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What to Do with A Gay Priest

To be fair, Sam Allberry says there is a difference between same sex attraction and being gay. I just happen not to agree with him on this point. There is a movement afoot in the evangelical churches to diversify. This diversity is coming at the churches in all shapes...

Sam Allberry’s Unbiblical View of Singleness

In his article “Putting the Family First Puts the Church at Odds with Jesus,” Russell Moore said, “In fact, Jesus seemed out of step with the entire thrust of the Bible. The biblical story starts with a family—a man and a woman charged with being fruitful and...

Evangelical ‘Woke Church’ Movement Backfiring, Falling Apart

Russell Moore, the head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has been pushing what he calls “racial reconciliation” –which has since morphed into “woke church” — since at least 2014. The movement, which describes itself as a movement to...

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

Hillsong Affirms Their Pro-LGBT Stance In Statement Released Yesterday

In the wake of a recent attack by celebrity, Ellen Page against Christ Pratt, an attendee of Hillsong Church, who called Pratt’s church “infamously anti-LGBTQ,” Hillsong released a statement denying this. Of course, Hillsong isn’t anti-LGBTQ — “we are an inclusive...

Feminist Pastor Unveils Golden Statue of Female Genitalia

Just months after her call for women to send in their purity rings so that she could have them melted down into a golden vagina statue, Nadia Bolz-Weber, the feminist Lutheran pastor unveils her “work of art.” Bolz-Weber is on a crusade to turn the church into a...

Gay Priest Speaking at Ravi Zacharias Event Tomorrow

Sam Allberry is a gay priest in the Anglican Church — an apostate denomination — and is scheduled to speak on February 15 at the Zacharias Institute with well-known and respected Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias. Allberry, who is a co-founder of the...

JD Greear Patronizes Blacks, Dwight McKissic Ecstatic

pa·tron·ize — treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.Google Dictionary The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is leading the way in the cultural Marxist movement of identity politics and social justice. Under the...


Ontario Church Hosts Halloween Drag Queen Event for Children

Ontario Church Hosts Halloween Drag Queen Event for Children

Trinity United Church in Gravenhurst, Ontario, recently hosted a drag queen event disguised as a Halloween party for children. During the event, a protestor was arrested for allegedly "trespassing" onto the property and making their voice heard. Below is one of those...


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