In 2021, infamous Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz, was fired after he admitted that allegations of a sexual...
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Results for "lentz"
Is Sleazeball Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz, Opening the Door for a Return to Ministry?
Last year, infamous Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz, was fired after he admitted that allegations of a...
Former Hillsong NYC Pastor, Carl Lentz’s Wife Speaks Out About the “Relentless Lies” About Their Family
Carl Lentz, the former pastor of Hillsong NYC location, was removed from ministry by Hillsong's lead pastor, Brian...
Hillsong’s Dead: Hillsong Founder and CEO Now Caught in His Own Sex Scandal After Firing Lentz
Hillsong megachurch corporation has been plagued with sex scandal after sex scandal over the last several years. In...
Priscilla Shirer Posts Selfie With Disgraced Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz, Claiming Him as “Family”
Priscilla Shirer is a good friend and a disciple of well-known prophet-preacher Beth Moore and daughter of popular...
Hillsong Staff Member Accuses NYC Pastor, Carl Lentz, of Repeatedly Molesting Her and Blaming Her
Last year, infamous Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz, was fired after he admitted that allegations of a sexual affair...
Carl Lentz’ Replacement at Hillsong NYC Steps Down
The scandal-plagued Hillsong Church now faces another loss as Carl Lentz' replacement at the NYC branch of the...
Hillsong Leader Says He Regrets He Did Not Deal With Carl Lentz “Leadership Issue” Sooner
Unless you haven’t been following the news at all, or simply don’t care about happenings in Christendom — which is a...
Opinion: Why I Feel Bad for Disgraced Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz
Unless you haven't been following the news at all, or simply don't care about happenings in Christendom -- which is a...
Disgraced Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz, Plans to Fix Marriage by Avoiding Church
Earlier this month, it was revealed that notorious Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz had been fired from his 20 year...
Carl Lentz’ Five-Month Sexual Affair With Muslim Woman Began at His Anniversary
A Muslim woman who claims to have had a five-month affair with befallen celebrity Hillsong NYC pastor, Carl Lentz,...
Hillsong Pastor, Carl “I May Be Open to Affirming Gays” Lentz, Fired for “Moral Failures”
Popular NYC Hillsong pastor, Carl Lentz, has reportedly been terminated from his position as lead pastor for "moral...
Hillsong’s Carl Lentz Tells CNN that He May Be Open to Affirming Gays and Abortion in the Future
When the culture changes, why not change the Scriptures too? After all, the Word of God flows with the changing winds...
Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz Says ‘I Can’t Help You With Religion, Religion is Dead’
What do you get when you mix the hip celebrity culture with a pseudo-religious attempt to make yourself look and act...
Hillsong Pastor, Carl Lentz, Praises Steven Furtick, I Appreciate You’
Carl Lentz is the lead pastor of the seeker-friendly prosperity church New York City branch. Lentz, who recently...
During a Rant Against New York’s Abortion Law, Carl Lentz Takes a Moment to Complain About Death Penalty, Women’s Rights
In the wake of a horrific new abortion law passed in New York allowing infants to be murdered in the womb up...
Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams
PNP News -- Lecrae, Carl Lentz, and Planned Parenthood all have one thing in common. They all endorse Stacey Abrams as...
Carl Lentz to Oprah Winfrey: You Don’t Have to be a Christian to Have a Relationship with God
For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a...
Why Has Steven Furtick Never Addressed Controversial Social Issues Like Abortion or Homosexuality?
Steven Furtick, the founder and lead "pastor" of Elevation Church, has become a household name among modern megachurch...
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: Bad Doctrine Often Reveals Underlying Sin
The modern church landscape is rife with wolves in sheep's clothing, those charlatans who twist the Scriptures for...
Religious Pluralism: The Roman Catholic Church’s Last Ditch Effort to Undermine the Gospel
Some Catholics call him “Papa,” and others call him the “holy father.” Yet, despite these terms of endearment for a man who sets himself up in the place of Christ, The Roman pope, who goes by Francis, continues the Catholic tradition of leading people down a path of...
Calvin Professor Seeks Loopholes Through “Ensoulment” Timing to Justify Committing Abortions
A Christian university named after arguably the most famous Protestant reformer in the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, has become an icon for liberalism. Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan and is associated with the...
Imagine Dropping Your Child Off in This Man’s Classroom Every Morning
Imagine dropping your child off in this man's classroom, and there's nothing you could say or do about it. Imagine walking into a supposedly professional environment and seeing a man dressed in women's clothing and knowing this delusional weirdo is the person...
TGC Board Member Says Jesus Gave Up Rights, So We Should Give Up Second Amendment
Ryan Kwon, a board member of The Gospel Coalition and pastor of Resonate Movement Church, is yet another voice in the long parade of woke ideologues masquerading as shepherds who distort the Scriptures to advance their communism-lite agenda—always under the thin guise...
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