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Communist Pope Says “It’s an Honor to be Attacked By Americans”

by | Sep 11, 2019 | News, Politics | 0 comments

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The pope of Rome is a God-hating, anti-American communist whose sole purpose in life is to lead people away from the saving grace of Jesus Christ and into the hands of Satan himself. The pope, who has direct ties to Satan through his black magic rituals and false Christ, recently stated that it is “an honor to be attacked by Americans.”

The pope is friendly with just about anyone except for Bible-believing Christians and conservative Americans. The pope travels the world to unite with the worst enemies of God, including Muslims while affirming their unity in the “same God.” The pope has openly opposed the American president’s efforts to secure our border and has called for open borders in our country while claiming that “migrants bring us riches.” He is on a Marxist mission for sure.

But this pope doesn’t stop there, he has openly advocated for homosexuals, saying “homosexual tendencies” are not sinful and even conducted a mass for gay Catholics. He’s joined up with the Mormon Church to dedicate a new Mormon temple in Rome and also says that those who oppose the Catholic Church are “friends of the devil.” While the Roman Catholic Church and the papacy itself is an ungodly institution, there is no doubt that this pope is like no other we’ve ever seen.

CNN reports,

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In a brief exchange with a French journalist aboard the papal plane to Africa on Wednesday, Francis said he was honored by criticisms from conservative Catholics in the United States.

“For me it is an honor that Americans attack me,” he told Nicolas Senèze of Catholic media outlet La Croix, who has written a new book called “How America Wants to Change Popes.”

“This will be a bombshell,” the Pope joked when Senèze handed him a copy of the book.

According to National Catholic Reporter, Senèze’s book focuses on two campaigns launched by American Catholics disturbed by the innovations of Francis’ papacy.

It is safe to say that the pope is not just an enemy of the cross, but also an enemy of America and our nation’s leaders should mark him as such and ban him from the country.

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