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Popular Up-and-Coming “Christian” Rapper Drops F-Bombs, N-Bombs in His “Christian” Music

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Racialism, Religion, Video | 0 comments

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I’ve said it over and over: modern Christian music is just a stepping stone for musicians who are really interested in secular fame. They’re using religion as a way to break into the music business. We have watched this happen in every sector, from the pop music of Hillsong to the overt worldly rap industry with popular artists like Lecrae. Their desire isn’t to honor and glorify God and worship him their gifts through music, rather it is to draw attention to themselves.

One up-and-coming Christian rapper who was recently featured on Rapzilla is a perfect example of this. His artist name is FOEVA (a play on the word “forever”) who claims, according to Rapzilla, he “doesn’t want to fit in, he just wants to do God’s will.”

“Honestly I didn’t pick any genre of point,” he told Rapzilla. “I just make music on my life, and God is a big part of it. I have enjoyed working with other artists in the genre and am glad to be a part of the movement.”

Well, how about make sure there are no children in the room, and tell me if you think dropping N-bombs and F-bombs in your music is “doing God’s will.” Here’s a short clip:

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