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Lecrae Says He Hates the Word “Woke” Because It’s Been Co-opted

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Abortion, Apostasy, Gun Control, News, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Lecrae, who is overtly woke and who has abandoned Christianity in favor of social justice and leftist political activism says that he hates the word “woke” because it’s been co-opted by politics.

Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian” and is “done with white Evangelicalism,” has taken a sharp turn in the last couple of years to align himself with the Pagan culture rather than the Kingdom of Christ. Over the last few years, Lecrae has made himself at home outside of the Church doors with Pagan rap artists who use regularly use foul language, degrade women, and make racial slurs in their lyrics. Lecrae is a staunch supporter of pro-choice Democrats, one radical pro-abortion Democrat, in particular, Stacy Abrams, and has downplayed the sinfulness of abortion and elevated what he perceives to be “racial injustice” above this murderous sin.

In this video, Lecrae says he ain’t all about that, he’s all about “kingdom over empire” now.

“Young lady asked me was I woke?,” Lecrae said, responding to a question he received on Instagram. “Have I succumbed to wokeness or whatever that means? I’ll be honest with you. In 2023, I hate that word one because it’s been coopted, like so many other things, for political agendas and ideologies.”

“A lot of times people think I’m very political. The truth of the matter is I’m not. I’m not married to a political party. I’m married to the scriptures. And oftentimes biblical agendas are hijacked by political campaigns and political pundits, and you are forced to look like you have chosen aside.”

“If you care about the unborn, then you must be politically pro life and conservative. If you care about the lives of unarmed black people, you must be politically progressive or liberal. And I think that’s stupid, because God cares about the unborn and he cares about unarmed black people.”

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Yes, God cares about both unborn babies and unarmed black people. But he hates how you and other woke people like you have created a false narrative about unarmed black peopleto advance an ungodly leftist social agenda.

And here’s the thing, you are politically progressive because you don’t care about the unborn. If you cared about the unborn, you wouldn’t support political candidates like Stacey Abrams. But he continues, “I’m kingdom over empire. Politics oftentimes is about empires. Rome was an empire once upon a time, as was Egypt. They both crumbled. And after the Democrat and Republican parties are both gone, the kingdom of God will still be here. “

Okay, sure, that’s true that the Kingdom of God will still be here. But the fruits you demonstrate with your hatred toward the Church and biblical values suggest that you won’t be a part of it.


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