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Circus-like Southern Baptist Church Worships to Literal Circus Performance During Worship Service

by | Sep 15, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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You’ve heard of them, we’ve covered them quite a bit. One Southern Baptist Church has been in the news quite a bit over the years as it is well-known for its carnal performances by their “worship band” performing covers of controversial rock, hip-hop, and pop songs.

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, made headlines in early 2020 after its pastor, David Hughes, was selected by another Florida pastor, David Uth, to speak at the 2020 Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting. Church by the Glades has been well known for its carnality, worldly appeal, and extravagant performances of secular dance and music including the Stormtrooper Dance, Disney Medleys, and covers of Beyonce’s Freedom. And recently, the church performed a live cover of foul-mouthed rapper, Kendrick Lamar’s N95 which contains, in the original version, dozens of swear words, blasphemies, and references objectifying women.

Other world-worship songs selected by this church and its band include a cover of the pro-LGBTQ Mormon band, Imagine Dragon, and another of Shirley Manson’s band, Garbage. And most recently, a cover of the extremely anti-Christian band, Run-D.MC.’s Walk This Way.

Now, in their latest circus act, the church puts on a literal circus act. Doing a live cover of Kacey Musgrave’s What a World, the church literally has acrobats swinging from the ceilings to entertain the goats, bringing new meaning to what the great Baptist preacher, Charles Spurgeon once predicted: “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!”

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