Phil Vischer, who is best known for creating the Christian-themed-but-filled-with-bad-doctrine children’s cartoon series, Veggie Tales, has made a new name for himself among the rising Evangelical Beast of Revelation known as the Woke Church. Vischer, who wonders if Latino people who vote Republican are actually just white people in disguise, has been a staunch advocate for Christians trading in their moral compass and embracing leftist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual politics all in the name of wokeness.
And While Vischer has been openly promoting progressive Democrats, identity politics, and Critical Race Theory–going even so far as to say that white people who put their kids in good schools are wicked and racist—it wasn’t until recently that he actually openly patronized black people by offering himself as a shield to criticism toward them.
Woke Preacher TV is an anonymous social media account that documents pastors and religious leaders of various denominations and religious backgrounds who use their religion to try to advance racial social justice causes. In every incident, these men and women twist Scripture to support unbiblical leftist social causes including feminism, abortion, LGBTQ, and various manifestations of cultural Marxism. And often, the people documented are black.
That’s where Phil Vischer took issue.
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In a recent Twitter exchange with Woke Preacher TV, Vischer accuses the anonymous account of nefarious motives.
Phil seems to take issue with Woke Preacher TV’s documentation of black pastors who are trying to use Scripture to advance their own political agenda—an agenda that is contrary to Scripture. Among those causes, Vischer cites abortion. Being pro-abortion, obviously, is contrary to Scripture and those who would support abortion in the name of Scripture are blaspheming God. We, as true Christians, not only have the right, but a God-given duty to call this out and expose it (Ephesians 5:11, Romans 12:9, 1 Timothy 5:20, etc.).
But Vischer didn’t stop there—he took it to another level, exposing himself as a hypocrite, patronizing black people with his own self-described ethnic superiority.
In other words, he’s fine with offering himself as a shield against criticism toward black pastors because he, a white man, can handle it. Black pastors, on the other hand, can’t. This appears to be Vischer’s position, and it is not only unbiblical, but it is racist—actually racist.