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Op-Ed: Is Everyone Wrong About Racism Except Me?

by | Feb 2, 2021 | Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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by Don Boys, Ph.D.

I’m so fearful of being called a racist that I feel compelled to watch the Al Sharpton Show and work diligently to decipher what he is trying to say, and I refuse to watch the hilarious old Amos and Andy Show. Moreover, I stop everything to listen to anything Oprah says and eagerly read every book written by the Obamas, no matter how inane they are. Furthermore, I willingly fall for Nigerian scams providing my credit card information willy-nilly. After all, they always call me “dearest.”

As I move my tongue from my cheek at the very beginning of this super sensitive topic, I am aware that I can’t win no matter how sensible my arguments may be. You see, I am white, and according to nutty leftists (but then, I repeat myself), my whiteness determines my racism. I’ve always been white, and I expect to stay white. Moreover, I’m completely satisfied to be white; I never had a desire to be anything else. Using elementary logic, it would do no good to want to be anything but white. Plus, I see no advantage to being of another race, group, kind, crowd, etc.

So, I am white and proud of it. Now, that’s dangerous, and the wackos on the left, following my declaration, expect me to automatically fall to my knees in deep contrition, weeping copious tears while I flagellate myself and throw ashes over my head. That is because admitting to being satisfied and even legitimately proud of being white makes me a dangerous white supremacist.

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Hogwash, balderdash, and a generous dose of poppycock!

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