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Roman Catholic Church’s Newest “Saint” – a 15-year-old Who is Called “God’s Influencer”

by | Jul 22, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, heresy, News, Opinion, Religion, The Church

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Can anyone truly believe that elevating Carlo Acutis to sainthood is anything more than idolatry? This young kid, who died at 15 from leukemia, has been transformed into what they call “God’s influencer” by the Roman Catholic Church.

But what does that even mean? Can any human influence God?

The whole Roman Catholic process of canonization reeks of human arrogance and religious theater rather than true faith.

Carlo Acutis was a teenager from Italy, born in 1991, whose life was marked by a deep devotion to the Roman Catholic faith. He was known for his exceptional dedication to Catholicism from a young age, attending daily Mass, praying the Rosary, and showing a particular devotion to the Eucharist.

Acutis got a fast pass to beatification in October 2020, courtesy of the Vatican’s so-called ‘miracle’ stamp of approval. The Roman Catholic Church has peddled the fairy tale that he swooped down from heaven in 2013 to save a Brazilian kid, Matheus Vianna, who had a rare pancreatic issue.

Ostensibly, this “miraculous intervention” came from praying to Acutis and touching a piece of his clothing. As if one absurd claim wasn’t enough, the Vatican doubled down this year, spinning another yarn about a Costa Rican girl who miraculously recovered from a head injury after her mother prayed at Acutis’ tomb in Assisi.

It’s fascinating, yet extremely disturbing, that so many are drawn to believe such wildly deceptive nonsense. Are we really expected to buy into this?

Acutis also had a keen interest in technology, creating a website to catalog and promote supposed Eucharistic “miracles” around the world. While he certainly demonstrated dedication to his religion, the Catholic Church’s decision to canonize him and declare him a “saint” elevates his actions to a fictional level of idolatry that cannot go unchallenged.

The Catholic Church’s canonization is nothing short of an elaborate charade. It’s filled with rituals and ceremonies that are more about human pomp than God’s will. Carlo Acutis was dedicated to the Catholic religion, sure, but the idea that he can perform miracles or deserves special veneration is absurd. In fact, his dedication to the Catholic Church is what should concern us the most about his ultimate fate.

The Catholic church’s need to create saints, to manufacture intermediaries, is a blatant departure from biblical Christianity and demonstrates what happens to churches that abandon the Scriptures as their authority. Anything goes. It’s just another example of their idolatrous practices.

No human being—not Mary, not any of the other canonized “saints,” nor this kid—has any “influence” over God. Psalm 115:3 tells us,

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“Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases.”

Yet, the Catholic Church claims that a kid can sway God’s actions. ” This isn’t just false—it’s blasphemous. It suggests that human efforts can manipulate God, which is a gross misrepresentation of God’s sovereignty. It’s the same garbage that leads lost Catholics to pray to Mary. But there is one mediator between God and man, and tha man is Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5). How can these people justify this with a straight face? Isaiah 46:10 makes it clear:

“My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.”

The Catholic Church’s canonization process directly contradicts this. God’s plans aren’t influenced by our actions or the church’s declarations. Ephesians 1:11 says:

“In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.”

God’s will is supreme. The idea that Acutis’ online evangelism or Eucharistic devotion can earn him a special place in heaven is fundamentally flawed. Romans 11:33-34 proclaims:

“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?”

Yet, the Catholic Church dares to act as if it can counsel God. The arrogance is putrid, a stench in the nostrils of the true bride of Christ. The Roman Catholic Church’s entire notion of sainthood is a departure from Scripture. Paul addresses all believers as saints, emphasizing the universal priesthood of believers. But the Catholic Church creates a hierarchy, placing some above others. This isn’t biblical—it’s a man-made construct that only serves to uphold the church’s authority.

The veneration of saints in Catholicism crosses the line into idolatry. By encouraging people to pray to saints like Carlo Acutis, the Catholic church diverts worship from God to humans in violation of the first commandment, elevating human tradition above God’s Word.

In the end, the canonization of Carlo Acutis is a glaring example of the Roman Catholic Church’s deviation from true Christianity. The sad reality is that a devotion to the Roman Catholic doctrines is contrary to a devotion to Christ and the false gospel of the Roman Catholic Church does not save—it damns.

And the sad reality is, and I say this without malicious intent, we should be hard-pressed to believe that any devout Roman Catholic—apart from the saving grace of God demonstrated with a credible testimony and repentance from the idolatry of the world’s largest idol factory—is even in Heaven, to begin with.

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