In what can only be described as a clown show, ladypastrix and imbecile, Jen Strickland of Claremont United Church of Christ has redefined absurdity with her sermon. She claims, “Reproductive rights, as it turns out, have been under attack since 1500 BCE,” and that the Egyptian midwives were champions of “girl power” for defying Pharaoh. This nonsensical take is an insult to anyone with a modicum of common decency.
Strickland asserts that Shipra and Pua in Exodus 1 were defending reproductive rights by deceiving Pharaoh. In reality, these women actually feared God and would be rolling over in their graves if they knew how modern feminists were defiling their history. Her claim that “women of all ages have been around to save the day” reduces their divine obedience to mere feminist activism.
Adding to the lunacy, Strickland drags Ruth Bader Ginsburg into the mix, suggesting that the midwives’ actions somehow paved the way for 20th-century legal battles for equality—it’s laughably absurd yet disturbing the think that we share a common lineage with such stupidity.
In her closing remarks, Strickland urges her congregation to “subvert the system in your specific context,” drawing inspiration from both ancient and modern figures. This call to rebellion against God’s created order epitomizes the doctrinal and moral apostasy that occurs when churches abandon scriptural authority.
It’s just so stupid it’s unbelievable. You have to hear it for your self to believe someone would actually say it.