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Drag Queen’s 🤮 New “Christian” Song Instantly Hits Number 2 On Christian Gospel Charts

by | Oct 25, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve committed a glaring offense against their Maker. Yet, in a twist of irony, they sought to hide from His all-seeing gaze by using the very elements of the world He so generously gifted them with. Since then, not much has changed. So, what do we get when a depraved and licentious culture tries to hide their shame from God? You get an even more perverse culture who tries to hide their own identity, typically through aberrant sexuality—drag queens, transvestism, transgenderism—and they try to transform God into someone who approves of it.

In essence, you get…Flamy Grant.

If you want to know just how low we’ve gone not only as a nation, but just how irrelevant we’ve collectively become as the Church, look no further than what passes as “Christian” music in the worship music industry.

In 2021, The Dissenter reported that Grace Semler Baldridge—an open lesbian who goes by the stage name, Semler—had beaten out Lauren Daigle for the number one spot on the Christian music charts on iTunes. Baldridge was also nominated by GLAAD for the 2020 Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism for her documentary series, State Of Grace, and push against “gay conversion therapy.”

But who would have guessed that a drag queen, a transvestite, a man who mockingly dresses as a caricature of a woman, would actually top the “Christian music” charts in 2023? But that’s exactly what is happening, and for the second time, the drag queen, Flamy Grant, is right at the top. These literal fat sex clowns have garnered such support from the world that even those who profess Christianity are flocking to them.

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And what’s worse, these faux “Christians” aren’t even remotely producing Christian or gospel music. What they’re producing is the exact opposite—it’s anti-Christian music. Why not just come up with their own genre and call it that? Here’s an excerpt from Flamy Grant’s song, which was just released this week, and already at number 2 on the iTunes charts:

I’m a prophetess, singing my story
A dressed-up, effervescent, ethical fraud
But this world ain’t ready for an allegory, no
We’re still waiting on a literal god
I just smile and nod

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