“The Chosen,” a show based on the life of Jesus, has shown its true colors by raising a pride flag on the set of a recent episode. Don’t be fooled, friends, this isn’t a surprise. The show’s been serving us heresy on a silver platter from the start.
We reported a while back that during one episode, the actor playing Jesus quotes not from the Holy Bible, but the Book of Mormon. He claims to be the “law of Moses,” directly contradicting what Jesus said in Scripture. That’s strike one.
Strike two is the actor himself, Jonathan Roumie. The man’s been praying with the dead—a clear no-no in the Bible. Worse, he’s been chatting with the ghost of Lonnie Frisbee, a man who lived as a preacher by day and a practicing homosexual by night. By honoring Frisbee, Roumie’s endorsing a lifestyle that goes against God’s Word.
So when the pride flag popped up on the show during a recent episode, it was just another step down the same wrong path. It’s time we stopped falling for the hype and started judging this show by its faithfulness to Scripture–none. Let’s stick to God’s truth, test everything, and hold onto what’s good. Don’t let a false Jesus lead you astray.
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