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The Bible Has One Word for Pro-Homosexual Southern Baptist Churches Like FBC Orlando: Ichabod!

by | May 6, 2024 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) isn’t just fighting a battle over women pastors, though this is the issue that will be front and center at the 2024 annual meeting in June. The reality is that the SBC is facing full-on apostasy from every angle, from women pastors to Critical Race Theory to homosexuality. While the Bible is certainly clear on all of these issues, the one being most overlooked is the subtle embrace of homosexuality within the ranks of Southern Baptist churches, yet, it is the one that will cause the most damage.

It started in 2016 after a mass shooter gunned down dozens at a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL, one of the nation’s largest Southern Baptist Churches exposed itself as an undeniably compromised congregation with pastors who aren’t fit to lead. That church is First Baptist Church Orlando (FBCO) which is pastored by lead pastor, David Uth and associate pastor, Danny DeArmas.

Following the nightclub shooting, FBCO hosted an ecumenical event whereby they gave the stage not only to false teachers but to LGBTQ activists to blaspheme God. This was done with no apologies, no corrections, and no second thoughts.

During that event, Larry Mills, Pastor of Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church, was allowed to take the stage and apply the name “head cornerstone,”—a title reserved for Jesus Christ—and apply it to the LGBTQ “community” referring to them as the “head cornerstone.”

But it didn’t end there. One year later, in 2017, FBCO began inviting “gay Christian” leaders from the Revoice movement to speak at the church.

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Revoice is the “gay Christian” movement that has been largely condemned by conservative Evangelicals and even condemned by more moderates including Al Mohler. Revoice is led by openly gay but “celibate” men who claim to be Christians but whose sexual orientation is not (and cannot be) changed. This movement, led by people like Nate Collins and Preston Sprinkle, advocate for acceptance and inclusion of homosexuals in the ranks of Christianity and those who choose to remain single (from the opposite sex) should form close, intimate, marriage-like relationships with people of the same sex with the exception that the abstain from intercourse.

In 2017, First Baptist Church of Orlando pastored by David Uth invited Nate Collins, Bill Henson, and Preston Sprinkle to hold the Posture Shift Intensives conference at his church. According to the description on the event website,

Lead Them Home presents Posture Shift Intensives, our 2-day course to train churches and ministries on effective LGBT+ outreach, care and relational skills. Bring your whole leadership team (at a discounted price) to transform your church’s capacity to live out the Gospel for LGBT+ people in your congregation and community.

And further, they were allowed to propagandize their “gay celibate Christian” materials at the church event.

Fast forward a few years to February 2022, and FBCO associate pastor, Danny DeArmas takes the stage to brag about how many homosexuals and transgenders are active and serving in his church.

This is clearly the identity this Southern Baptist megachurch wants to have for itself, and they are not ashamed of it. But that isn’t the end of it. After DeArmas’s brag-fest, several of us began to look more deeply into the church’s orthopraxy. It has now been undeniably discovered that not only are these LGBTQ people actively serving in the church, but they have been baptizing not one, not two, but multiple openly gay, practicing homosexuals who are in fornicating cohabitating relationships with other members of the same sex—and they remain in good standing.

Okay, so apostate churches are going to apostate, so what? Well, yes, FBCO is clearly an apostate church, but the bigger issue here isn’t with FBCO as much as it is with the Southern Baptist Convention. This has been going on for years upon years, but not a single Southern Baptist leader has mentioned it. This is not hidden information, it has been exposed, undeniably true, and there is no way to escape the fact that this church is a false church.

But according to its lead pastor David Uth, First Baptist Church Orlando is in partnership with one of the Southern Baptist Convention’s top church planting institutions, the North American Mission Board (NAMB).

Interestingly, or not, associate pastor Danny DeArmas—the one in the previous video bragging about how many LGBTQ are serving in his church—was the former Chairman of the Trustees of NAMB.

So why haven’t any Southern Baptist leaders spoken up about this? Why hasn’t SBC president Bart Barber mentioned it? Why hasn’t current NAMB president Kevin Ezell spoken about it? Why haven’t any of the entity heads spoken about it? They sure have enough time to address every ounce of “white supremacy” or “misogyny” that is thrown their way, so don’t tell me they’re too busy or not required to speak to every issue because every church is “autonomous.”

No, every Southern Baptist church is NOT autonomous, they are—or at least should be—under the headship of Christ and the authority of His word. But this church clearly is not, yet Southern Baptist churches and leaders have no problem remaining in cooperating fellowship with them?

What’s happening in the Southern Baptist Convention is devastating and those who choose to remain silent on this are complicit in the denomination’s apostasy and asking for the judgment of God to be poured out among it.


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