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Recorded Audio Reveals Planned Parenthood Earmarks Donations Specifically to Kill Black Babies

by | Jul 5, 2022 | News | 0 comments

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In a disturbing audio recording from a Planned Parenthood location in Tulsa, OK, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood will accept donations from people and earmark them specifically for the abortion of a black baby.

This should not surprise us since it was the sole purpose of Margaret Sanger’s vision for Planned Parenthood when she began it. The eugenics that has been practiced in this wicked organization for so many decades is appalling, but the fact that it remains in full force today, under the guise of “women’s rights” and “fighting racism” is just so absurdly stupid.

In this audio, during a phone conversation, you can hear a man offering to make a donation specifically to kill black babies to which the Planned Parenthood employee responded in the affirmative.

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