Evangelical elitists have been up-in-arms the last few days over a report by Daily Wire author, Meg Basham, who reported on leaked audio that NIH director, Francis Collins laughed and smirked at the prospect that people will be forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine at the threat of losing their job over it. For Collins, a man who claims to be a Christian and has been lauded by Big Eva types like Russell Moore and Ed Stetzer as a Christian scientist hero, he certainly appeared to be giddy at the notion that people may be placed in a position where people are forced to violate their conscience.
As we’ve reported before, Collins, the supposed bridge between Christians and The Science™, is practically everything a Christian is not. Not only does Collins support abortion, stating that God Himself would be okay with the use of aborted fetal cells in medicine, but he also spearheaded a pro-LGBTQ program within the NIH to celebrate Gay Pride Month.
Further, the NIH, under Collins’ leadership, ran a years-long program paying underage boys to report their gay sexual activity on an app funded by U.S. tax dollars.
This is the man these Evangelical elitists want Christians to trust. And Tim Keller compares this man to the prophet Daniel in a recent Twitter thread. Responding to Basham’s report at the Daily Wire, elitist Tim Keller asks the rhetorical question: “Can Christians be leaders in publicly-owned corporations or government agencies that are committed to many non-Christian values?”
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Keller answers his own question with the view of some he believes would disagree: “Some say ‘No.’ They say, ‘If you are the CEO of a secular space you must impose Christian moral values on all of it-or else not take the job.'”
Keller then argues that holding that position makes these people, like Francis Collins, “guilty by association” which he says attempts to make Christians “responsible for every action, program, and directive that company or agency enacts.”
“That is short-sighted,” Keller says.
He then goes on to try to make the case that people like Collins are put in these places to be “salt and light,” despite the fact that these disgusting, anti-Christian programs were, in fact, put in place by Collins himself. Being salt and light, of course, does not entail overseeing abortion programs, instituting and sponsoring a gay pride program within your organization with your own name signed to it, or laughing and sneering at the fact that real people with real lives and families may be forced to violate their consciences.
Despite this, Keller goes on to compare Collins to the prophet Daniel because of his position within the NIH.
“I don’t think this view fits with the careers of either Daniel or Joseph,” Keller writes. “Daniel allows himself to be addressed by the Babylonian name ‘Belteshazzar’ which honored the god Bel.”
“He received a thoroughly Babylonian education yet kept his distinct beliefs,” Keller continued.
This is true, but let’s be real; this is not Collins—not even close. Keller goes on to argue that Daniel “conducts his own work and life with the love, integrity, and faithfulness of a believer, but while he serves high up in the pagan hierarchy he also doesn’t appear to use his power to force others beneath him to worship and obey.”
Nobody, literally nobody, believes that Collins or any other professing Christian should “force” anyone under them or around them to “worship and obey.” But in reality, this is exactly what Collins is doing—except, he’s forcing people to worship and obey a false god. He’s forcing people in his workplace to celebrate homosexuality and queer ideology. He’s forcing people under him and even citizens of the country to violate their conscience by forcing an unwanted vaccine into their bodies at the threat of losing their jobs and being unable to feed their families. And he laughs and sneers at this. Does Keller really think this is a worthy comparison to the prophet Daniel?
Below are screenshots of Keller’s Twitter thread.