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David Platt’s McLean Bible Church Teaches “Jesus Had Body Dysphoria” Revoice Nonsense

by | Jan 4, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Opinion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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David Platt, who has been aligning himself and his church closer and closer to the Revoice “gay Christianity” movement over the last year or so, has been making headlines as he continues to partner himself and his church with heretics and false teachers from two “gay Christianity” movements, Revoice and Living Out.

Revoice is a conference that promotes “gay Christianity” and has actually advocated for homosexual Christian relationships and for, of course, calls for an end to the “victimization” of homosexuals, to which they coined the term “sexual minorities.” Preston Sprinkle, one of the original advisory board leaders of Revoice, refers to sexually confused men who dress, think, and act like women, as “theologically conservative.” And his ministry partner, Nate Collins, advocates for gay couples — or even triples — living together in “celibate” marriage-like arrangements that include man-to-man intimacy so long as it stops short of bodily penetration.

One prominent false teaching of the Revoice/Living Out movement is the comparison of Jesus on Earth to transgenderism. As such, they teach that Jesus had a type of “body dysphoria” that, like transgender people, caused him to feel out of place.

The whole notion that Jesus experienced some kind of body “dysphoria” is built on the unbiblical premise that same-sex attraction is not a sin, but a “disorder” that is a result of sin. It is compared to an ailment, one that needs treatment rather than repentance. This notion that Jesus experienced what the Bible refers to as rebellion is actually blasphemous, but it is an attempt to soften the Christian resolve against one of God’s most hated sins.

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Watch as one of David Platt’s co-pastors at McLean Bible Church teach this same thing. You can see the entire video at this link or watch the snippet below:

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