While ex-Southern Baptists are apostatizing left and right joining churches that are either completely woke, gay-affirming, or churches that allow women to serve as pastors, one that has been overlooked thus far is Russell Moore’s new Church, Immanuel Nashville.
While Russell Moore worked for 8 years as the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty head, he spent his entire tenure attempting to change the culture of the Southern Baptist Convention–successfully to a high degree–and lead it down a progressive path. Whether it be Moore’s breaking bread with the gay community, his softening tone on homosexuality, referring to Jesus as an “illegal alien,” promotion and teaching of inherent “white guilt” by sole virtue of skin color, yoking with Democrat and socialist groups, serving as an editor for a Catholic magazine, coddling the transgender community, partnering with animal rights groups and referring to animal rights as a “gospel issue,” fighting for the right to build an Islamic mosque, accepting donations from billionaire leftists like George Soros to advance open-borders and amnesty, publishing articles claiming that the Bible affirms gender fluidity, or making the absolutely asinine claim that Western culture is demonic, one thing is for certain, Russell Moore‘s agenda wasn’t just social justice, but overtly progressive.
It should come as no surprise that Russell Moore has now left the Southern Baptist Convention to not only join an apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, but he has also joined a church with a gay priest–of which he spent countless resources promoting–who serves on staff.
Sam Allberry, an unmarried gay Anglican priest — who describes himself as one “who describes himself as one who has “sexual, romantic and deep-emotional attractions to people of the same sex” — also gets a pass. Sam Allberry is the co-founder of Living Out, a gay Christian ministry devoted to promoting same-sex “celibate” intimate relationships and teaches that Jesus suffered from “body dysphoria.”
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As you can see on the church’s website, Sam Allberry also serves as “Honorary Teaching Pastor” at Immanuel, right alongside Ray Ortlund–who encouraged people to vote against Donald Trump and believes that White people are naturally inclined to kill Black people–and Russell Moore.