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Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

by | Jun 24, 2024 | heresy, News, Opinion, Theology, Video | 0 comments

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Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his parlor trick “healings” such as leg-lengthening and various other fake healings. White is the pastor of Lifestyle Christianity, a church in Watauga, Texas, and is well-known in Word of Faith and prosperity gospel circles. White was made famous by notorious false prophet and heretic, Patricia King, who helped him launch his career after his supposed conversion to Christianity from atheism and a life of drug addiction.

Todd White has made many foolish statements and blasphemies as a pastor and preacher over the course of his career and his association with some of the worst heretics in Christendom should already raise red flags. But when Todd preaches, he can actually sound very passionate and genuine.

This is what makes him the worst kind of false teacher.

White’s understanding of spiritual things is infantile at best. But in reality, the things he preaches are sometimes so outlandish that nobody should take them seriously. Last week, we reported that Todd White blasphemed Jesus by misrepresenting the doctrine of imputation and said that Jesus became the substance of such sins as “child pornography” on the cross. And last year, he preached a sermon where he claimed that Jesus wanted to climb into bed with you while you’re watching porn and be your climax. The utter foolishness of his statements places him outside of the realm of orthodox Christianity, for sure.

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But then, on occasion, he says things that would make someone who isn’t paying attention, or who isn’t very discerning, think that he’s moving closer to orthodoxy and that, perhaps, the Holy Spirit is truly leading him to the truth. Yet, when we really dissect his statements, it becomes clear that he’s mixing truth and error in such a way to lead people into even greater deception unnoticed.

For example, last year, White preached a sermon where he claimed that he had begun reading Charles Spurgeon, George Whitefield, and Ray Comfort and said that these men had helped him understand the gospel in a way he’s never understood before. Being that these men he named are some of the most solid Evangelists in history and modern times, one would be led to believe that he would want to emulate these men and their theology. Despite the fact that he claimed to be following these men, he continues to promote unsound theology, false doctrine, and a false understanding of the gospel which all of these men he named would contradict. Yet, unless you dug deeper into this, you wouldn’t really know. Todd White simply used the names of these men to steal credibility from them.

But stealing credibility from solid preachers isn’t the only way he deceives people–he also steals credibility from sound doctrine only to distort it with subtle untruths that pervert it. Below is one example:

Did you catch the perversion of the truth? He started off this diatribe with what sounded perfectly orthodox. You start listening to this, and you’re like “yes, Jesus is fully God and fully man.” This is what the Scriptures teach and it is what the creeds teach. Yet, in this, he subtly inserts a perversion of the doctrine of the hypostatic union known as Kenosis Theory. He believes and teaches that even though Jesus is fully God and fully man, that Jesus was separated from his divinity while on Earth.

Many others, including Chris Rosebrough, have covered Todd White’s Kenosis heresy. Kenosis Theory twists Philippians 2 where it states that Jesus “emptied himself” by “taking the form of a servant” to mean that Jesus gave up His divinity while on Earth. But that isn’t what this passage teaches at all. It doesn’t teach that Jesus “gave up” anything, but instead, “took on” something more; human form.

He reaffirmed this heresy in another message he preached where he stated that Jesus didn’t defeat Satan as God, but as a man, thereby putting us on par with Jesus.

But Todd White does this all the time. He sounds like he’s preaching a solid message only to insert subtle errors that draw people away from the truth. This is why we must practice discernment regularly and equip the saints to be able to spot these errors. Lies like these do not draw people to Christ.

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