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Beth Moore Demeans Godly Women as “Just Packing the Brothers’ Lunchkits”

by | May 10, 2021 | Feminism, News, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Beth Moore has been on the attack against Scripture for a long time. Last year, Beth Moore launched her tirade against the Word of God by attempting to pit Paul against Jesus implying that the two contradicted each other in the Bible. Now, she openly denies the objective interpretation of Scripture based on authorial intent which has been practiced by the Church as long as the Scriptures have been around.

But now, Beth Moore aims her tirade at godly women who choose to be faithful to the Scriptures and obedient to its commands. Beth Moore demeans these godly women by mocking them as women who are “just packing the brothers’ lunchkits,” as though being a helper for man is a less than godly function to desire.

Nobody, literally nobody, has said that women can’t be used in Church and its ministry and nobody has ever argued that women can’t even proclaim the gospel. In fact, women can and have been used for this purpose all throughout church history and Scripture. However, it is clear that women cannot hold the office or perform the duties of a pastor or elder That includes chiefly, preaching and teaching to men or mixed audiences and certainly filling the pulpit on a Sunday morning–something Beth Moore does regularly.

Yet, Beth Moore likes to build straw men so she can tear them down while she laughs and mocks faithful leaders and Christians in the Church and now, other women who choose obedience over rebellion.

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Whether it be her fanciful tales about meeting a stranger at a bus stop to give her money because “God told her to,” or outlandish dreams of God lifting her up in the air to envision Catholics and Protestants in ecumenical unity or her recent elbow-locking with heretics Joel Osteen, Matt Crouch, and Brian Houston, her hand holding with wolftress, Joyce Meyer, her quick jump to condemn an innocent high school kid in a racist media propaganda attack, or her declaration that spending time with God is not the same thing as spending time in the Bible, one thing is for sure, Beth Moore is, in fact, one of the worst offenders of God when it comes to obedience to his Word.

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