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Catholic Priest Mad He Can “Bless a Cow” But Not a Homosexual Couple

by | Mar 31, 2021 | News, The Church | 0 comments

A Roman Catholic priest expressed his frustration over being allowed to “bless” cows, but he is unable to bless sodomites engaging in rebellion against God.

Disclaimer: this should not be construed as an endorsement of the Roman Catholic Church.

That being said, the Roman Catholic Church has never officially allowed for the acceptance and inclusion of the sexually immoral, despite its massive cover-ups of gay and pedophile priests and the current pope’s continued progressive social and theological drift.

The priest, Paddy Byrne — this publication will not refer to him as “Father” because the Scriptures forbid this (Matthew 23:9) — tweeted this in response to the March 15 ruling by the Vatican that the Church cannot bless same-sex unions because it is “impossible for God to bless sin.”

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Of all the things the Roman Catholic Church gets wrong — the Mass, saint worship and idolatry, and most importantly, justification — the organization has typically always ruled correctly on social behaviors such as homosexuality and abortion. Yet, under the current pope, we’ve seen a movement away from a staunch adherence to conservative doctrine on these issues. Francis has stated that homosexuals are “God’s children,” conducted a mass for gay Catholics, and endorsed same-sex unions in a documentary film recently released. At some point, it should come as no surprise if the Roman Catholic Church and all the apostate Protestant spin-offs join her in a massive sexual rebellion and openly embrace sodomy.

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