Lecrae, the ex-Christian rapper who has joined the ranks of the secular left to promote a “woke” and anti-gospel leftist agenda, complain about how black people don’t have an opportunity to become wealthy in America — despite the fact he’s swimming in millions — and demand reparations from Chick-fil-a CEO, Dan Cathey, is now attacking Christians who believe that murdering innocent children should be illegal.
Lecrae says, instead of making abortion illegal, we demand money from white people — because not having white people’s money is why “women of color” kill their children.

You see, what Lecrae doesn’t understand is that Christians don’t want to “reduce the number of abortions,” true Christians want abortion to be treated like any other murder under the law — punishable by the maximum extent of the law. Abortion is murder, it is not a social ill. It is not a social problem, it is a crime.
Being that Lecrae doesn’t know the difference between sexual preference and sports preferences, it’s not really a stretch for him to not really understand what the real problem with abortion is either.
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