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Lecrae Responds to Chick-fil-A CEO’s Shoe-shining Stunt, Calls it Virtue Signaling

by | Jun 30, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported on the virtue-signaling stunt that Chick-fil-A CEO, Dan Cathy, pulled during a panel conversation with Louie Giglio where he got up, groveled at Lecrae’s feet, and shined his shoes because in an act of penance toward Lecrae because of the color of his skin. The entire scene was surreal to watch as any human being could place themselves at the feet of another human being and perform such an act simply based on the color of one’s skin. Cathy then went on to plead for forgiveness and called his ridiculous stunt “repentance” as the said that he gave out shoe-shining kits to Chick-fil-A staff to do the same thing.

Complete and total absurdity is the “racial reconciliation” movement in the Church as it isn’t founded on truth and biblical theology, but on a man-centered idea of what human relationships should look like. It is, in fact, a movement of Cultural Marxism.

But it didn’t end with that. Lecrae, a Marxist ideologue, was noticeably and visibly uncomfortable during the stunt — and rightly so. In fact, Lecrae went on to awkwardly ask for company stock from Cathy in what can only be interpreted as a request for reparations. It is clear that reparations is what the Marxist “racial reconcilation” movement is after as some of the most outspoken black leaders in the Evangelical Church have continually promoted the idea.

The previous tweet is from Jimmy Butts and liked by Jemar Tisby, founder of The Witness — a prominent black Evangelical publication. Reparations and the enslavement of conservative white Christians is the logical end of this movement. While most will not openly admit this, there are no two-ways about it. It can only end this way.

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And Lecrae recently responded with a confirmation that Cathy’s stunt was nothing more than virtue-signaling and he doesn’t want people to shine his shoes. Of course he doesn’t, because that’s stupid.

I talked to him immediately afterwards and I let him know my thoughts. Because he felt like…man…there were so many things in that conversation that needed to be addressed. I got my shoes shined. Dude tried to shine my shoes and I was like, ‘Yo, bro, we want Chick-fil-a stock. We don’t want shoe shines.’ You know what I mean?...There were so many little things that we had to discuss…One of the things I was trying to communicate to him was…we can’t be doing this virtue-signaling of just having conversations about race so it look like we’re on the page. We really gotta be about this.

So. Chick-fil-A stock…sell all you have and give reparations to black people…no virtue signaling…you can see exactly where this is going.

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(AllHipHop News) Last week footage came out of Christian rapper Lecrae and Pastor Louie Giglio having a conversation about race relations.⁠ ⁠ The video went viral when he said that “white privilege” should be changed to “white blessings.”⁠ ⁠ While doing a show on how to find common ground, Giglio just rambled (authoritatively) about what he believed was an alternative way to look at race in America.⁠ ⁠ Now this week, more footage has emerged on the same pastor’s show.⁠ ⁠ This clip shows Lecrae and the CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, engaged in conversation about race. In an effort to show humility, Cathy busted out a tool kit for shoe shining.⁠ ⁠ “I invite folks to put some words to action, here. If we need to find somebody that needs their shoes shined, we need to go right on over and shine their shoes.”⁠ ⁠ As he said this, he started to walk over to Lecrae. When he reached the lyricist, he dropped to his knees and started shining his shoes.⁠ ⁠ In an interview with AllHipHop’s @chuckcreekmur, here is what Lecrae thought about Dan Cathy’s antics.⁠ ⁠ #PRESSPLAY

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