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Max Lucado Says God is Using Pandemic to Expose Racism, “Most Ancient Sin of Humanity”

by | Sep 25, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Max Lucado, who recently endorsed the pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ Jen Hatmaker, and held a prayer rally as he begged God to forgive him for having white skin, is a popular Evangelical pastor, speaker, and author who we recently described as “fairly orthodox, though not without problems,” and now clearly compromised on the gospel.

Lucado continues to prop up the false social justice gospel and his ministry now appears, sadly, like most Evangelical pastors, to revolve around “racism.”

Also, Lucado said during a prayer rally where he asserted that the most ancient of human sins is the sin of racism — which is not only patently false, but not even possible. Of course, we know from Scripture that the most ancient sin is questioning and disobeying God — it was the first sin committed in the Garden. And we know that different “races” — or, ethnicities, really — didn’t develop until long after the fall.

The most ancient of sin is certainly not racism, it is idolatry. Idolatry is the first sin addressed in the Ten Commandments. And while actual racism, not the “systemic racism” that woke pastors like Lucado are referring to, is a form of idolatry, it is not what is being addressed there.

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Yet, according to Lucado, racism is the most ancient of sins, and he pleads with God for forgiveness and pleads with man to repent of it. Interestingly, they can never actually point it out where it actually exists.

“Our heavenly father has used this pandemic to bring to the forefront the most ancient sin of humanity and, certainly, our nation. And that is the sin of racism.”

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