Blackshear Fine Arts Academy — an elementary school in Austin, TX — is known for hosting convicted prostitutes and drag queens to interact with children as young as Kindergarten. The drag queen, which was hosted back in October and goes by the alias “Miss Kitty Litter ATX,” visited during the school’s “pride week” as part of a celebration of a sexually immoral lifestyle.

“Miss Kitty Litter’s” real name is David Richardson and is a regular visitor to a local library in Austin. Richardson proudly boasts his felony conviction on his Twitter page. According to MassResistance, Richardson has posted “perverse jokes and allusions to prostitution on social media, which strongly suggests that he has no qualms about the sex trade. Some posts suggest that he has not left the prostitution/sex trade at all.”

Well, now it has come to light that the school librarian — a paid staff member of the elementary school — participates in sexually explicit activities and posts images of himself in risque, perverted, nearly-nude images online for the school’s children to find. Roger Grape, who is the Elementary School Librarian at Blackshear, has been seen online posing in sick and disgusting attire.
Grape is a strong proponent of grooming children. According to his Twitter account, he supports the Austin City Council’s push to continue indoctrinating children into a sexually immoral lifestyle through the publicly-funded Drag Queen Story Hour that is plaguing cities around the world. But what’s worse are the sick images of himself. In fact, they’re so disgusting that I could not post them without blurring them out. In a gesture in what appears to be a “f*** you,” the elementary school librarian poses for the camera at a gay festival called International Mr. Leather.
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This is what these poor children are being subjected to — and they’re parents are complicit. This is absolute child abuse. There are no two ways about it. It’s sad that our world has come to such a state that this would even be given the time of day.