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Beth Moore Makes Habit of Using Acronyms For Cuss Words, Rebukes Her “Self-Promoting” “Fellow Leaders”

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Blog, Politics | 0 comments

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Beth Moore loves attention. A lot. Beth Moore is the Southern Baptist darling who single-handedly led a movement to take down a long-standing leader of the Southern Baptist conservative resurgence and seminary leader, Paige Patterson, all in the name of feminism, intersectionality, and general all-round wokeness.

Moore is arguably one of the most self-promoting people in all Evangelicalism and has been one of the loudest, screechiest voices in the push for social justice who actually believes that the opposition against her has nothing to do with her false teaching, but about re-electing Donald Trump. Yeah, she actually said that. Moore argued that homosexuals who abstain from gay sex are making a huge sacrifice — moreso than just regular Christians — and has embraced the LGBTQ Church movement. She is so self-promoting that she, in fact, has her own cruise sponsored by Southern Baptist LifeWay in 2020.

One can only wonder if Beth Moore is so confused that she truly believes she’s God’s gift to the body of Christ or if she is merely after the benefits. There is no doubt that she has defended her Queendom like no other in modern history when it comes to her status and notoriety among her peers. She has certainly set herself up on high, usurped the role of male leaders in the Church, and has asserted her dominance among them in ways historically unprecedented.

In the wake of a recent suicide by a megachurch associate pastor at Greg Laurie’s Harvest, Riverside, Beth Moore took to her podium to lecture the Church on self-promotion and protection while people are dying — all while dropping acronyms for cuss words.

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Of course, this isn’t the first time Moore has disobeyed Ephesians 4:29 — or a number of other Scriptural commands for that matter — to further her own self-promotion. Moore has tweeted on at least two other occasions, once recently and once in 2017.

Of course, we all know that Beth Moore doesn’t mean to imply foul language — she simply means “big show.” At least this way, she has some plausible deniability, right? Right.

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