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As Kenneth Copeland Rebukes Dorian, Dorian Gains Strength as it Pounds the Bahamas

by | Sep 3, 2019 | Blog | 0 comments

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Kenneth Copeland is a false prophet who claims he has the power to rebuke the weather in the name of God. In 2017, Copeland and his wife, Gloria infamously rebuked Hurricane Harvey which did absolutely nothing. Harvey continued its course, inflicting around $125 billion in damage in Houston and surrounding areas in its path.

Yet, despite the Copelands’ repeated failed attempts to control the weather through witchcraft, the couple are not giving up. Earlier today, Kenneth Copeland tweeted out a theologically delusional command that has more to do with spell-casting than prayer.


And despite Copeland’s attempt to commandeer the weather, Hurricane Dorian is continuing as we speak to pound the Bahamas and cause damage along the Florida coastline.

We already know that he prays to Satan and that his primary purpose in life is money. He also believes that God told him he’d preach until he was 120 years old. Copeland claims he has the power to calm storms — a feat that only Jesus was able to accomplish in the Scriptures (Matthew 8:23-27). Yet, despite his claims, he has never once been able to do so. Copeland has spoken presumptuously (Deuteronomy 18:20-22) and has set himself up in the place of God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). What does this make Kenneth Copeland?

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