Bethel Church is a charismatic cult and one of their underlying principles is their demand to be accepted among orthodox Christian ranks and their demand for unity. Pretty much any group that names the name of Jesus, according to Bethel, is in the club.
Over the Easter weekend, there were a series of tragic attacks that took place in several Roman Catholic churches in Sri Lanka. It is widely believed that these attacks were carried out by Islamic extremists. It is understandable that Muslims are unable to differentiate between true expressions of Christianity and false ones — as it is simply the name of Jesus that Muslims hate. However, it should be expected of leaders of the Christian Church to discern the difference.
Besides their over-emphasis on signs and wonders and various other blasphemous acts and utterances, this is one more reason Bethel Church should be completely written off as a valid Christian church and should be avoided at all costs.

Yesterday, Bethel Church announced on their Facebook page that the victims of the Sri Lanka attack — who are Roman Catholic idolaters — are now “gone to be in the arms of our beloved savior today.”
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Bethel Church’s Kris Vallotton previously gave glowing accolades to the pope, calling him “spirit-filled” and saying,
When I got saved, my leaders taught me that the Roman Catholic Church was the “mother harlot” in the book of Revelation. About that time, the Holy Spirit decided to fill the Catholics the same way He did us Protestants, and suddenly the Catholic charismatic renewal was born. It became kind of hard to teach that junk after that (though some still do). Especially when the person sitting next to you in the meeting was singing in the Spirit, and is a Catholic! Surprise!!!
One of the requirements of being a Christian leader is to actually be a Christian. And to be a Christian, you have to know and understand the gospel. Rome’s gospel is false and Bethel Church affirms it. What does the Scripture say about Bethel Church and its leaders?
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
Galatians 1:8-9