Southern Baptists are leading the way in the cultural Marxist “woke” movement. The movement is a mass structured attack on white people using Marxist ideology right out of the Frankfurt School’s playbook. Ideologies such as “white privilege” and inherent guilt of racism based solely on the color of one’s skin are rampant in the modern Evangelical Church.
The Southern Baptist Convention has introduced and approved resolutions — several times over several years — condemning racism. Let’s be clear, racism — in all of its forms — is evil. But, according to the new “woke” proponents of “white guilt,” it is only white people who can be racist.
According to the evangelical woke movement, led by such proponents as Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, JD Greear, Matt Chandler, Tim Keller, Jemar Tisby, Jarvis Williams, and Dwight McKissic, just to name a few, there are a few demands one has to meet in order to “repent” and “atone” for racism. They include such things as,
- monetary reparations,
- affirmative action,
- donating to black-owned institutions,
- participate in and promote social justice,
- admit that all black’s problems are your fault,
- admit that only whites are racist,
- acknowledge that all black churches are good, but all white churches are racist,
- rinse and repeat, indefinitely.
And now, Southern Baptists are going to hold all “unwoke” churches to that standard. Yesterday, the SBC Executive Committee unanimously voted to disfellowship from churches who don’t subscribe to these notions. The following amended language will be added to Article 3 of the Southern Baptist Constitution altering its bylaws. (See #5 below.)
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Keep in mind, Southern Baptist leaders have continuously heralded that they have no power to disfellowship churches due to bad doctrine — such as the prosperity gospel. It’s why churches like Elevation Church remain in fellowship. Yet, all of a sudden, they have the power to swiftly move against churches who refuse to adhere to their new cultural social justice norms.