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COGIC Bishop Who Falsely Accused White Man of Killing Black Girl Under Fire For Refusing to Delete Tweet

by | Jan 8, 2019 | Blog, The Church, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Talbert Swan, a prominent figure in and the leader of the Church of God in Christ’s (COGIC) Nova Scotia jurisdiction, a predominantly black charismatic denomination, recently jumped at the opportunity to attack whites, claiming a 7-year-old black girl, Jazmine Barnes, was “shot and killed by America’s real terrorist threat, a white man.”

After investigation and reports confirmed that the shooter was, indeed, not white, but a black man, Swan was confronted on social media about his refusal to publicly apologize for his remarks about whites being America’s “real terrorist threat,” and refusing to delete his tweet.

Reporter, David Vance tweeted to him,

Given that the killer of #JazmineBarnes has been confirmed as a black man I am puzzled why the Bishop has not updated his tweet.

To which Swan replied that he did indeed post an update, but acknowledged it was unnecessary to retract, delete, or apologize for his previous tweet. In fact, instead of apologizing for jumping at the opportunity to falsely attack whites, he returned an attack at Vance, calling him “disgusting,” and a “bigot.”

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Many others continued to criticize him for his racist remarks and refusal to accept responsibility for his grossly negligent behavior on Twitter.

This behavior that is prevalent among the liberal left in the Church stems from an absolutely deficient and sub-biblical epistemology and worldview. The idea that every happening must be looked at “critically” (Critical Race Theory) through the lens of racialism is the root a prevailing Marxist ideology that now pervades evangelicalism, and is prevalent even in historically conservative denominations such as the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). It has entered the church through liberal ideologists such as Russell Moore and Tim Keller through outlets such as The Gospel Coalition through the guise of “racial reconciliation” and continues to pervade these churches that are under their influence. The fruit of this movement, however, is not reconciliation, but, as you can see from this incident and many like it, further division between ethnic groups. This is the postmodern ideology of the new Christian Church and it’s likely to only get worse.

As of 01/08/2019, the bishop’s original tweet remained on Twitter and has over 88 thousand followers on Twitter.

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