If you’ve never heard of her, self-proclaimed “Prophetess” Katie Souza is the ringleader of her own spiritual sideshow, where she’s carved out a niche in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The NAR is a movement that has nothing to do with the gospel and is more...
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Chicago Megachurch Pastor: Ruth and Naomi Were in a Lesbian Sexual Relationship and Boaz Was a Sperm Donor
Meet Keith McQueen, a self-styled "bishop" who seems to think that his platform at Powerhouse Church is a stage for profound biblical illiteracy rather than for the preaching of the truth and the exhortation of obeying God’s word. If there were a trophy for most...
Faux Conservative David French Proposes $2,000 Government Handouts to Curb Abortions
David French—a delusional sycophant clinging desperately to the progressive wing of the evangelical world—has once again shown his true colors. French, who has made a career out of pandering to the left while masquerading as a conservative, has now found a new low....
TGC Editor Who Regularly Watches Soft Porn to Lead 8-Week Course in “Faithfully Viewing Films”
Every year, Brett McCracken releases his annual "best and favorite films" of the year list. And every year, normal people are horrified at what we could only see as Satan’s shortlist of things people should never see. Sometimes, I feel like TGC puts out material...
Southern Baptist Pastor Says Embryos That Aren’t Implanted Aren’t Children
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been hailed by some as a “miracle of modern medicine,” a lifeline for couples struggling with infertility. Yet, beneath the surface of this seemingly benevolent technology lies a darker reality—one that betrays a biblical worldview and...
If Kamala Harris is Elected, Get Ready for More of This
Welcome to the era of “gender seasonality,” where common sense, science, and basic biology are tossed out the window in favor of a new dogma, one that insists you can change your gender as easily as you change your shoes.For the uninitiated, "gender seasonality," the...
Andy Stanley Says “Theological Diversity” Looks Like the Kingdom of God
Andy Stanley’s disdain for the Holy Scriptures is a well-established fact, and it is nothing new that he has been vocal in his condemnation of the inerrancy and authority of the Word of God.Andy Stanley says "theological diversity" is his church's strength because it...
This Might Be the Wokest Confession of Sin Ever Recited in a “Church”
“Reverend” Caroline Unzaga—ever heard of her? No? Well, that's understandable, given that she's the latest in a long line of clergy more interested in appeasing the ever-ravenous gods of wokeness than actually preaching the gospel, not that she’s qualified to do so....
“No Peace With Progressives” Should Be the New Rallying Cry of the Church
During the Protestant Reformation, the cry "No Peace with Rome" echoed like a thunderclap across Europe, a bold declaration by those who refused to compromise with the corruption and heresy festering within the Roman Catholic Church. The reformers knew that to align...
Oprah at DNC: Without Abortion, There is No American Dream
In a performance worthy of her self-anointed status as America’s spiritual guide, Oprah Winfrey took the stage at the DNC to deliver what can only be described as a sermon on the sanctity of abortion. With the gravitas of a high priestess delivering her divine...
Op Ed: The DNC’s “Gender-Neutral Prayer Rooms” is a Metaphor for the Democrat Party Itself
In the latest chapter of the DNC’s ongoing saga of spectacular contradictions and performative wokeness, we are now treated to the marvel of a "gender-neutral prayer room" at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It’s bad enough that the women’s...
Christianity Today Hires Cussing, N-word Using, Marijuana Promoter as “Big Tent” Director
You know it’s time to grab the nearest wall to bang your head against when you hear the latest news from Christianity Today. In a move that makes you question whether they’ve completely lost their minds—or perhaps their Bibles—the once-somewhat respected, somewhat...
Phil “Veggie Tales” Vischer Compares Gun Ownership to Unfettered Abortions at the DNC
Phil Vischer, the creator of the children’s cartoon series VeggieTales—who is now better known for peddling bad doctrine under the guise of Christian-themed entertainment—has taken a nosedive into the depths of woke madness. Vischer has solidified his place among the...
Evangelicals for Harris Praises “Pro-Choice Pastor” for Preaching “We Are All God’s Children” at DNC
Historically, Christianity was the foundation of Western civilization, shaping its very core with civilization drawing from its worldview—everything from science to business ethics to sound logic and reason. But today, a sinister new cult has slithered into every...
Church of England is Coming Clean, Dropping “Church” From the Names of its Congregations
The Church of England—once a pillar of Christian orthodoxy—has become a parody of its former self, bending over backward to appease a world that couldn’t care less. Established by Henry VIII’s ego-driven break from Rome, this institution has now traded the gospel for...
Curtis Chang and Guest Question Whether an Unborn Fetus is a Human Being Worthy of the Same Protection as a 2YO
Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang—three names that have wormed their way into Christian discourse under the guise of unity and healing, but whose agenda reeks of progressive subversion. Their new project, “The After Party,” pretends to offer "biblical...
Preston Sprinkle Assembles LGBTQ and Other Woke Activists to Release New Study Bible
Today’s the day, folks! Preston Sprinkle, the theologian extraordinaire of the pro-LGBTQ leftist evangelical machine, founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, and one of the original board members of Revoice, is back with his latest attempt to...
Christianity Today Editor Urges Parents to Ship Children Off to Public School Indoctrination Camps
Stefani McDade, a cronie of Russell Moore—both of whom seem to have taken up residence as thought-leaders in leftist Christianity—has been named the “theology editor” at Christianity Today. Yes, that Christianity Today—once a respectable outlet for serious Christians...
Things ERLC Head, Brent Leatherwood, Wanted to Hide From You Regarding Trans School Shooter
On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist, Audrey Hale, who had written a “manifesto” that had previously been withheld due to...
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