Yesterday, we published an article expressing our concerns over the hyper-emotionalism on display at the so-called...
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Results for "todd bentley"
Todd Bentley Performs Fake Healing While Talking in Fake Pirate Voice
Everyone needs a laugh. If it isn't the absurdity of charismatic apologist, Michael Brown, telling us about a Kangaroo...
Why Aren’t “Faith Healers” Like Francis Chan, Todd White, and Todd Bentley in China Fighting the Coronavirus?
Todd White, Todd Bentley, and now, interestingly but unsurprisingly, Francis Chan have told countless stories about...
Todd Bentley Panel Releases Official Statement Today Declaring Him “Supernaturally Gifted by God”
Nevermind that Todd Bentley is a false teacher who blasphemes God on a daily basis, performs fake healings, and...
Close Associate of Todd Bentley Calls on Bentley to Step Down
In 2017, Reformation Charlotte made a personal visit to the home church of Todd Bentley where a close associate of...
Leading Charismatic Apologist to Investigate Illicit Sex Allegations Against Todd Bentley
Over the last few weeks, Reformation Charlotte reported on the sex abuse allegations by false prophet and apostle,...
In Wake of Todd Bentley Sex Scandal, Charisma News Author Admits Charismaticism is Mostly False
Last week, a well-known "prophet" and "apostle," Todd Bentley, was accused by a former colleague and protege of a...
Rick Joyner Admits He Knew Todd Bentley Practiced Sexual Immorality
In recent days, Todd Bentley has been accused by a close former associate of sexual immorality, including homosexual...
Todd Bentley Accused By Colleague of Homosexual Acts and Teenage Sexual Abuse
Todd Bentley is the hyper-charismatic faith healer who claims to have raised multiple people from the dead and claims...
Todd Bentley Claims He Healed Seven Deaf People in One Night
Todd Bentley. Lol. What else do I need to say. This guy is among the worst of the worst when it comes to faux miracles...
The Activist Mommy, Elizabeth Johnston, Goes Full NAR With False Prophets, Todd White and Lou Engle
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a spiritual cult whose roots can be traced back to the New Order of the Latter...
NAR Heretic, Todd White, Experiences Genuine Move of the Holy Spirit?
You may know of Todd White, the well-known New Apostolic Reformation heretic who claims to be a prophet while going...
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: Bad Doctrine Often Reveals Underlying Sin
The modern church landscape is rife with wolves in sheep's clothing, those charlatans who twist the Scriptures for...
Radical Lunatic Leftist Congresswoman Claims She Heals People the Way Jesus Did
Cori Bush, a radical pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ, anti-police zealot, is a lunatic leading the "blind people who vote for...
The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
In the verdant beauty of Eden, where humanity first walked with God, the serpent’s whisper, “Did God really say…?”...
Five Marks of a False Teacher
In the pursuit of spiritual growth and understanding, the true Bride of Christ is a community that is rich in faith,...
Bizarre Self-Baptism Festival in “Healing Pool” at Georgia Pentecostal Megachurch
Just when I thought I'd seen it all, the weird charismatics never fail to surprise me. From Bethel's overtly strange...
Charismatic Pastor Says He Commanded a Tree to Be Healed, and It Was So
A popular heresy among charismatic false teachers is little-god theology, or the belief that we as humans carry within...
Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy...
Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward Affirming Queers
If you haven't heard of The New Evangelicals, it is an organization that claims to be a voice for the marginalized in...
Despite What Leftist Critics Say, Homeschooling is the Best Option for Children
I don’t know who this person is, but his anti-homeschooling tweets keep making their way into my feed. So, I think I’m going to deal with them here. I doubt he’ll see my response, or care, for that matter. But for those who do care, here goes.Here’s his claim:...
Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
In a time of crisis, when Los Angeles is being ravaged by relentless wildfires, the people of this region need to hear one thing from their fire department: reassurance. Reassurance that the people sworn to protect them—not to mention, paid by them—are the most...
Preston Sprinkle Claims 90 Percent of Illegal Immigrants are Committed Christians
Preston Sprinkle, a name that has become synonymous with theological compromise and unbiblical sexual ethics, has built his career catering to and supporting a baptized version of queer theory that is infiltrating evangelicalism. As the founder of the Center for...
Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus
Philip Miller, the current pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, succeeded the long-tenured Erwin Lutzer, is bringing his own pastoral approach to the historic pulpit by weaving contemporary social themes into his preaching. Before Christmas, Miller preached a sermon out...
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