In the 18th installment of our False Teacher of the Day series, Priscilla Shirer, daughter of false teacher number 11,...
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Results for ""false teacher of the day""
False Teacher of the Day #17: Campus Crusade Leader, Matt Mikalatos
CRU — formerly Campus Crusade for Christ — has been exposed as a social justice political organization with the sole...
False Teacher of the Day #16: Andy Stanley
In today's installment of Reformation Charlotte's False Teacher of the Day series, Andy Stanley, son of former...
False Teacher of the Day #15: Tim Keller
Tim Keller may not seem like the stereotypical charismatic, tongue-flapping, prosperity gospel-preaching false prophet...
False Teacher of the Day #14: Jennie Allen
Continuing our False Teacher of the Day series, we've already covered many false teachers from well-known and highly...
False Teacher of the Day #13: T.D. Jakes
T.D. Jakes is the founder and senior pastor of one of the largest churches in the nation, The Potter's House, in...
False Teacher of the Day #12: Ann Voskamp
Continuing our False Teacher of the Day series, we'd like to discuss popular author, poet, and Evangelical speaker,...
False Teacher of the Day #11: Tony Evans
Tony Evans is Priscilla Shirer’s father. Evans’ heresies include (but are not limited to) Pelagianism (the denial of...
False Teacher of the Day #10: Kyle Martin, Time to Revive Ministry
Reformation Charlotte reported recently on the movement within the church to practice cold readings as an evangelism...
False Teacher of the Day #9, Becky Fischer
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly...
False Teacher of the Day #7: Poncho Lowder
Poncho Lowder is the lead pastor of a church in Austin called Planetshakers. Planetshakers, much like Hillsong, is an...
False Teacher of the Day #8: Scott Hofert, Watershed Church Charlotte
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly...
False Teacher of the Day #6: Guillermo Maldonado
Guillermo Maldonado is the co-founder and lead pastor of King Jesus Ministry, a Latin-American Word of Faith...
False Teacher of the Day #5: Shawn Bolz
Shawn Bolz is the founder and former senior pastor of Expression58 Church and is now the CEO of Bolz Ministries. Bolz...
False Teacher of the Day #4: Lance Wallnau
Continuing our False Teacher of the Day series, we bring to your attention another false teacher, Lance Wallnau....
False Teacher of the Day #3: Ulf Ekman
Ulf Ekman is a Charismatic Catholic from Sweden and founder of the Word of Faith megachurch, Livets Ord (Which...
False Teacher of the Day #2: Lisa Bevere
Lisa Bevere and her husband, John, operate a ministry called Messenger International. The ministry exists, according...
False Teacher of the Day #1: Tamara Lowe
Many of you may have never heard of Tamara Lower or know who she is. She is a motivational speaker and the founder of...
False Teacher of the Day #41: Thabiti Anyabwile
Heresy, or heretic, are not words that I generally drop lightly these days. I used to, but one thing I've learned over...
Francis Chan, Benny Hinn, and Bill Johnson Will Lead Upcoming False Teacher Conference “Jesus 24” in June
The "Jesus 24" conference, set to unfold from June 6-8 in Orange County, California, with Benny Hinn at the helm and...
Despite What Leftist Critics Say, Homeschooling is the Best Option for Children
I don’t know who this person is, but his anti-homeschooling tweets keep making their way into my feed. So, I think I’m going to deal with them here. I doubt he’ll see my response, or care, for that matter. But for those who do care, here goes.Here’s his claim:...
Lesbian Firefighter Victim Blames Men Who She Isn’t Strong Enough to Rescue
In a time of crisis, when Los Angeles is being ravaged by relentless wildfires, the people of this region need to hear one thing from their fire department: reassurance. Reassurance that the people sworn to protect them—not to mention, paid by them—are the most...
Preston Sprinkle Claims 90 Percent of Illegal Immigrants are Committed Christians
Preston Sprinkle, a name that has become synonymous with theological compromise and unbiblical sexual ethics, has built his career catering to and supporting a baptized version of queer theory that is infiltrating evangelicalism. As the founder of the Center for...
Moody Pastor Says Mary “Gave Her Consent” to Conceive Jesus
Philip Miller, the current pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, succeeded the long-tenured Erwin Lutzer, is bringing his own pastoral approach to the historic pulpit by weaving contemporary social themes into his preaching. Before Christmas, Miller preached a sermon out...
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