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Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

Snares of the Modern Church – Part XV: Political Correctness

It's been a few weeks since I published an article in this series, Snares of the Modern Church. But I wanted to touch on something today that even the best of us are affected by. It's easy to get caught up in the language and reconstructionism of the day, especially...

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church

"White guilt," you've heard of it. You've read it in the headlines. And you may know people who suffer from it. But what is it? Is it a mental disorder? Is it some other kind of ailment? Or is it sin? The term "white guilt" is far from innocuous—it is a calculated...

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