The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is notorious for its center-left-leaning views on everything from spiritual to cultural to political issues while masquerading its social agenda as "gospel issues" to maintain a veneer of spiritual authority. In its relentless quest for...
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Kamala Harris Encourages Children to Become Cross-dressing Prostitutes
Kamala Harris has once again demonstrated that she lacks any sense of rationality and decency. In a tweet that defies logic, she celebrates "LGBTQI+ children" with a photo of her embracing a man—cross-dressed like a sex worker—at a “pride” event. This isn't about...
Bible College Fires Professor for Tweeting Against Homosexuality, Threatens to Report Him as a “Terrorist”
The United Methodist Church, which is in fellowship with the Methodist Church in Britain which is the Methodist tradition upon which all Methodist denominations in the world are founded, is a mirror image of the Methodist Church in America as far as its complete...
The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate
The LGBTQ movement in America has been striving for decades to promote the acceptance of homosexuality and other abnormal sexual behaviors. Sexual immorality, in all of its forms, has been present in every major society throughout history, as per historical and...
The Climate Change Agenda is Nothing But an End-Times Suicide Cult
End-times cults and religious movements have been the subject of fascination, horror, and a fair share of eye-rolls for decades—even centuries. You know the ones I'm talking about, the ones with the extremist beliefs, the apocalyptic prophecies, and the tragic...
God Determines the Role of Women in the Church, Not Personal Preference or Culture
Genesis 5: 1-This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; 2-Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam [man or mankind], in the day when they were created. (Matt....
How the Church Compromises the Gospel by Seeking to be Relevant to the Culture
The spread of Christianity worldwide has brought forth a pressing issue - how to engage with the surrounding culture. In recent times, numerous churches have attempted to boost their relevance in society and attract new members by becoming more culturally relevant....
“Gay Pastor” Says Drag Shows Are Safer For Children Than Churches
Last week, the notorious "gay pastor" Brandan Robertson joined Jeff Durbin and James White on Apologia to debate whether or not men who practice sodomy can be Christians or not. Of course, Brandan held the affirmative position and, well, pretty much got...
Mike Todd Echoes Andy Stanley: Gay Male Had the Love Most Christians Don’t Have Because He Loves God
Pastor Mike Todd, from the Transformation Church, is gaining popularity despite his controversial and alarming behavior. He made headlines earlier this year for turning tithing into a million-dollar lottery and for spitting on a congregant's face during a sermon. He...
Jesus and Liberation Theology: Beware of Bible Project’s Tim Mackie, Part III
We've been running a series on The Bible Project's Tim Mackie for the last few days where we've covered his subversive Bible-twisting agenda and false teachings. In Part I, we covered Mackie's twisting of the Scripture to suggest that Jesus practiced Eastern Mysticism...
Democrat “Reformed Christian” Politician Defends Abortion at Calvin University
Anyone acting surprised that Calvin University has caved to the cultural prostitutes of LGBTQ activism hasn’t actually been following the news. For years, Calvin University has been in liberal decline as it has increasingly embraced facets of the LGBTQ movement...
Iconic London Church Hosts Drag Queen Performance
The Church of England was founded by King Henry VIII in the 16th century after he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church due to his failed attempt to divorce his wife. As we explained in great detail in a previous article, the Church of England has devolved into a...
Andy Wood Compares “Gay Marriage” to His Own: What if God Asked Me to Give Up My Marriage for Him
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is in turmoil over the issue of women serving as pastors in churches. Saddleback Church, a megachurch formerly led by Rick Warren, started the controversy by ordaining three women to the pastorate.Following Warren's retirement,...
Feminist Worried That Men Who Don’t Believe David Raped Bathsheba Might be Raping Their Wives and Daughters
The Evangelical social justice movement combines leftist propaganda, feminism, Critical Theory, and intersectionality. They disguise their agenda as biblical exegesis, but in reality, they aim to rewrite history and reinterpret Scripture to support their goal of...
Pastor Preaches in Front of Big Red Image of Pop Singer Rihanna’s Breasts
The seeker-sensitive church movement is one of the longest-running church heresies in modern times. It aims to make the church “fun” and “exciting” to attract people, but it is a terrible practice in Evangelicalism that should be pushed out and rejected wholly. David...
Tim Mackie of Bible Project: Jesus Says Some People are Born Homosexuals, (Beware Part II)
In previous articles, we have discussed the Bible Project, a highly popular YouTube bible-teaching initiative run by Tim Mackie. However, we've warned that Mackie's theologically liberal approach to Scripture is reflected in many of his explanatory videos as well as...
Holding Parents Accountable for Child Mutilation Could Be SBC’s Next Major Battle
Over the last year, we've watched the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), led by men like Brent Leatherwood of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission(ERLC) and SBC president, Bart Barber, devolved into a functional political activist group lobbying the government...
Open, “Gay-Married” Homosexual Man Baptizes Other People at First Baptist Orlando
We've written to you in the past that First Baptist Church Orlando, a Southern Baptist megachurch in Orlando, Florida, was openly baptizing practicing homosexuals and there has been absolutely no accountability from the Southern Baptist Convention for these...
Megachurch Pastor Mike Todd Says People Don’t Go to Hell For Sin
Pastor Mike Todd of the Transformation Church has been growing in popularity at an alarming rate, despite his repulsive and controversial behavior. Earlier this year, Todd made headlines for turning tithing into a million-dollar lottery, using his congregants as...
Tim Keller Gives Grim Update on Cancer Situation
In June 2020, Tim Keller, a controversial theologian and the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, announced in a letter to his church that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In the letter, he wrote, "I have terrific human...
David French Defends Genital Mutilation of Young Children in the Name of “Parental Rights”
David French, a far-left faux-Christian political transient who now calls himself a "libertarian" despite his infatuation with advancing progressive policies while labeling them "Christian," is now defending the chemical and surgical castration of young,...
Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of “Women Pastors” Passages
Rick Warren recently went on the Russell Moore podcast to complain that his former church is being kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention over the ordination of women pastors. Saddleback Church, which was removed earlier this year due to Rick Warren ordaining...