Union Theological Seminary held a "Drag Communion" event in their chapel, featuring drag performers presiding over the Lord’s Table while attendees were invited to dress in drag or any other “fabulous” way they saw fit.The event promised to explore the “queerness” of...
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Major UK Retail Chain Pulls Blasphemous Merchandise After Backlash
Debenhams, sort of a UK version of JC Penney, has chosen this Christmas season to unveil a revolting new way to insult Christians. The controversy centers on a line of so-called "festive" merchandise emblazoned with the phrase "A Gay in a Manger." Among the worst...
Texas “Church” Holds Drag Queen Bingo Event to Fund LGBT Pride Group
That places parading as "churches" have handed themselves over to Satan and his legion of homosexual sycophants isn't exactly breaking news anymore. These dens of iniquity, teeming with demonic influence, proudly flaunt their "gay pride" as if it were a divine...
The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization
Over the last year or so, we’ve been reporting that the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, had adopted a new mantra in its abortion rhetoric—“making abortion unthinkable.” Yet, the ERLC, under the guise of defending...
Women in Southern Baptist Pulpits? Southern Baptists, You Own This
In June 2023, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) appeared to take what we thought might be a decisive stand against the creeping influence of progressivism within its ranks by voting to amend its constitution to explicitly ban women pastors. What turned out to be...
Missouri to Place “Right to Abortion at Any Time of a Pregnancy” on Ballot for Constitutional Amendment
Missouri's Amendment 3—the latest brainchild of the so-called "champions of freedom," who seem to have mistaken a graveyard for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Here we go again, with the same old song and dance, where "reproductive rights" apparently...
Evangelical “White Guilt” Apostle, Latasha Morrison, Canonizes Kamala Harris During “Evangelicals for Harris” Call
Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of "Be the Bridge," a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within...
“Evangelicals for Harris” Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a “Faithful and Committed Christian”
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so detached from reality that they’ve decided Kamala Harris—a politician whose life and career is a veritable checklist of anti-Christian sentiment and policies—is actually a "faithful and committed Christian." Enter...
The Gospel Coalition Publishes Article Painting Critical Theory as Biblical and Christian
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is one of the Evangelical’s trunk lines for piping in worldliness and carnality straight into the heart of the church. If the three-ring circus that operates the organization isn’t busy finding gospel themes in Barbie or comparing Taylor...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part II – Racism and Black Lives Matter
Welcome to Part II of our ongoing series dissecting JD Greear's response to Megan Basham’s book, Shepherds for Sale. In Part I, we tackled Greear's contention regarding his infamous statement that the Bible "whispers" about sexual sin. We exposed how Greear, rather...
If You Don’t Think Leftist Black Churches are Bought and Sold by the DNC, Watch This
Have you ever seen those montages of local television news stations that repeat nearly identical talking points on each one? It’s almost like they’re all taking orders from some hidden higher authority and their words are being beamed down to them from a starship and...
A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: Part I – “Whispering About Homosexuality”
JD Greear has stepped up to the plate in an attempt to defend his reputation against Megan Basham’s allegations in Shepherds for Sale, but his response is more akin to a magician's sleight of hand than a genuine rebuttal. In an article titled “An Open Response to...
Robert Gagnon Responds to David French Voting for Harris to “Save Conservatism”
Last week, the notorious anti-conservative faux “Christian” NYT commentator, David French, announced he would not be voting for Trump, but instead, for Kamala Harris “precisely because I am conservative.” Of course, this is beyond idiotic and foolish. Whether or not...
How the Women’s Rights Movement is a Vehicle for Death and Destruction
The women's rights movement began with a seemingly noble intention—to ensure that women were treated with dignity and respect and that they had the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness just as any man should. It was a battle against what an increasingly...
Did You Know “Christians for Kamala” is a Thing? Look at This Circus
Did you know that there's actually a "Christians for Kamala" conference? Yes, you read that right. In the ever-bizarre world of progressive Christianity, this event is being billed as a gathering of believers united in support of Kamala Harris.I couldn’t believe it...
JD Greear Runs Cover For Pro-Choice Members, But Forgot About Pro-Choice Small Group Leader
JD Greear is running for cover on social media as he is being exposed for the compromised, faux “shepherd” that he is. A clip was posted on X yesterday where Greear admits during a sermon that there are people who attend his church that also work in abortion...
If You Buy Into Climate Change Alarmism, You Can’t Believe the Gospel
In the recent Christian social media sphere, a lot has been stirred up about climate change. Voices from all corners are demanding us to take action, citing “scientific” studies and dire predictions of an impending global catastrophe. But let's pause and think—does...
Man Who Pummeled Woman in Olympic Boxing Match Demonstrates Why We Must Continue This Cultural Fight
The Olympic boxing match between Angela Carini and Imane Khelif is a dramatic, yet realistic illustration of celebrated violence against women, all in the name of “progress.”Imane Khelif, a biological male who failed gender eligibility tests at the 2023 World...
Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce for Second Time After Re-Marriage
Benny Hinn, the charlatan of the highest order, faces yet another scandal as his wife, Suzanne Hinn, has filed for divorce.Known for bilking his followers for millions and teaching a false prosperity gospel—doctrines of demons—Hinn continues his greedy pursuit under...
Megachurch Pastor Praises Pro-Choice Politician, Kari Lake, Says God Told Him She Was in a “Deborah Season”
Comparing Kari Lake to Deborah is like comparing a fox to a shepherd—foolish and insulting. In his latest sermon, Pastor Luke Barnett of Dream City Church showered Lake, a pro-choice Republican politician, with praise, likening her to the biblical prophet Deborah. "We...
The Transgender Movement is the Beast’s Litmus Test For Compliance
What if the greatest lie of our time wasn't just a lie, but a test—a trial balloon sent up to see how many would bow to the absurd and how many would resist? The transgender movement, despite its claims of promoting “equality” and “understanding,” is the de facto...
Olympics Opening Ceremony Features Drag Queen’s Mocking the Last Supper
This week, the Paris Olympics opening ceremony featured a drag queen mockery rendition of the Lord's Supper. Has the world truly sunk so low? The depravity even surprises me, as one who’s been journaling the downgrade for years.This grotesque parody is a glaring...