In an age where progressive thought and postmodernism dominate the cultural and intellectual landscape, Christians often find themselves challenged with the task of navigating their faith amidst conflicting ideologies. One such challenge arises in the form of a...
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Christ is King!
The phrase, "Christ is King!" has become taboo in our times with even professing Christians on social media complaining that the usage of the phrase is a form of bigotry and supremacy. Yet, the phrase itself is foundational to Christianity, and we must not allow...
Five Ways to Identify a Gospel-Compromising Woke Church
In an era of swirling cultural currents and shifting societal sands, the faithful are urged to stay vigilant. The temptation to forsake the timeless message of the gospel for fleeting trends is ever-present, and one such movement, laden with anti-gospel and...
The Divine Call to Stand Firm in Biblical Conviction in a Corrupt and Compromising World
The story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, is a powerful illustration of unwavering commitment to the truth in the face of opposition. As a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:5), Stephen boldly proclaimed the message of Christ to a hostile audience....
Galatians Revisited: Confronting Modern-Day Judaizers and Upholding Paul’s Message of Grace
In the first century AD, the apostle Paul, who quickly became known as the apostle to the Gentiles, embarked on a series of missionary journeys, preaching the gospel throughout the Roman Empire and planting churches. Among the places where he planted churches was the...
America’s Greatest Threat: Not Transgenderism, Not LGBTQ, Not Progressivism, but God Himself
"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28)In these modern times, when the moral fabric of our nation is stretched thin and the cacophony of discord echoes from sea to...
Divine Deception: How Artistic Representations Risk Distorting the True Essence of Christ
In the ever-expanding world of religious art, countless images portraying Jesus Christ pervade the collective consciousness, attempting to shape the way believers perceive and connect with God. However, these depictions, along with supposed apparitions, are nothing...
Does the Bible Prove a Young Earth?
In previous columns, I have dealt with the mistakes, uncertainties, ambiguities, contradictions, and general unreliability with radiometric dating of fossils. The dates produced by many modern methods are often dates that are called “scientifically correct” but...
Practicing Discernment and Marking False Teachers is Not “Casting Stones,” It’s an Act of Love
In the biblical narrative of John 8:7, we find an account of a woman caught in the act of adultery. The religious leaders of the day, eager to test Jesus, brought the woman before Him and asked if she should be stoned according to the Law of Moses. Jesus, in His...
The Church’s Debate Over Christian Nationalism: Should We Embrace Cultural Christianity?
As the modern Church is now faced with its own internal debate of Christian Nationalism, we should examine how the multifaceted world of "cultural Christianity" has been a paradoxical force that can both benefit and challenge us. As we traverse the shifting sands of...
We Don’t Oppose Abortion Because Babies Feel Pain or Have a Heartbeat
Numerous self-proclaimed pro-life Christians claim to oppose abortion, but their arguments are severely inadequate, un-Christian, and not based on the Bible. In reality, most of these Christians are unable to logically navigate or defend any theological position,...
God’s Judgment on Human Sacrifice: Abortion
"Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I Myself will set My face against that man and will cut him off from...
David Platt Says Political Convictions are Idolatry
David Platt has sadly been on a downhill trajectory in recent years ever since he left Brook Hills Church and became intertwined with the elite folk of mainstream Evangelicalism. The status quo of Evangelicalism have no real standards of doctrinal fidelity and they...
Embracing the Mystery: Defending the Full Deity and Humanity of Christ in Scripture
From the earliest days of Christianity, the deity of Christ has been under assault. Even as the apostles walked the earth, they encountered those who sought to undermine Jesus' divine nature. Time and again, they stood firm against such falsehoods, guided by the Holy...
How is the Church to Treat Wolves? A Biblical Approach to False Teachings
In the present ecclesiastical landscape, the danger of encountering false teachers who infiltrate our churches and disseminate their deceptive doctrines is a growing concern. These wolves in sheep's clothing insinuate themselves within the congregation, sowing...
The Discernment of Charles Spurgeon, a Foundation for the Modern Believer
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, affectionately known as the "Prince of Preachers," remains one of the most influential Christian leaders in modern history. His vast collection of sermons, writings, and theological teachings continue to inspire believers and shape the...
Truth Amidst Turmoil: Discerning and Defending the Faith in the Age of Subtle Spiritual Deception
During the early days of Christianity, the fledgling Church faced numerous obstacles and disagreements over its teachings and doctrines. Much of the professing Church found itself at odds over how to interpret scripture and understand doctrine, eventually giving rise...
Can One Be Saved While Dismissing a Literal Interpretation of Genesis Creation Account?
The question has been posed: can someone be saved while rejecting a literal interpretation of the creation account in Genesis? The answer to this question is not as straightforward as some may hope, and as much as I hate to use the word "nuance," there is some nuance...
Tolerance, Passivity, Complacency: What is the Kindness of God that Leads to Repentance?
In many modern churches, the true essence of divine grace and mercy has been distorted and diluted, resulting in a skewed understanding of the transformative power of God's love. With their plush pews, rainbow-splattered banners, and messages of unconditional...
Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what he is teaching in this clip? God’s Word has a severe warning for those...
The Bible is Not a Creation of the Church, but the Eternal, Literal, Inerrant Word of God
In the beginning was the Word, and it has reverberated through the epochs, shepherding the Church and standing as an everlasting bulwark against the encroachment of heresies, empty ideologies, and vain philosophies that seek to defy the knowledge of the God. The Holy...
Andy Stanley Denies the Creation Account in Genesis, Apparently He Knows Better Than God
Syncretism often occurs when two or more cultures or religions come into contact, leading to the blending of their spiritual beliefs, rituals, and symbols. This can result in a unique fusion of religious ideas and practices. There are two major religions in the world...