The "He Gets Us" campaign, a $100 million public relations initiative aimed at rebranding Jesus, has once again proven its penchant for theological folly. This latest installment features an ad proclaiming, "The one who identifies as they/them is your neighbor." As...
The Church
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Joe Biden Preaches Black Liberation Theology at Philadelphia Megachurch
The left will always be the first to criticize the right for “mixing religion with politics,” yet, the left is far more guilty of this than we are. In fact, not only is the left guilty of this, but they use their religion as a tool to advance very un-Christian...
If This is How You Dress When You Preach, Don’t Call Yourself a Christian Pastor
I'm not legalistic when it comes to what you wear to church, even if you're a pastor. But there is a such thing as reverence, and there are some who go out of their way to be irreverent in how they present themselves to the Lord for worship. Take Pastor Scott...
Man Who Co-pastors Megachurch With Wife Joins the Republican Race for President
If you can't trust a man to pastor his church according to the edicts of Scripture, how can you trust him to run the country if elected president? The answer? You can't. That's why I would suggest not voting for Ryan Binkley, co-pastor of the non-denominational Create...
Russell Moore Praises Joe Biden as “Genuine” Regarding Hunter’s Drug and Money Laundering Scandals
Disclaimer: This is not a political article nor is it meant to make a political point. I do that from time to time, and seek to engage politics through a decidedly biblical worldview. That being said, politics can't be completely avoided here, but this article is...
SBC State Director of Evangelism Says Eternal Salvation Can Only Come After Social Justice
In the midst of a progressive shift and growing divide within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), social justice has become the dividing line that some are not willing to cross and others are not willing to go without. The social justice movement in the SBC has...
Short Op-Ed: Should Christians Support Turning Point USA?
I've never been a fan of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) or its movement. I really just don't care much for the personalities involved in it, particularly, Charlie Kirk. But there are a lot of churches—so-called conservative churches—that are embracing, promoting, and...
Praising God Even in the Midst of Difficult Times
Today, the glittering facades of prosperity and self-interest have largely shrouded the sacred reverence and humble piety at the heart of Christianity. The Holy Scripture is often misinterpreted and misused to serve the interests of man rather than glorify the...
Despite What Popular Evangelical Pastors Are Saying, Doubt is an Enemy of the Faith
The winds of modern thought have blown into the halls of the Church, stirring up a novel perspective that now echoes loudly from the pulpit to the pews. The perception that doubt is a beneficial, even necessary, component of faith has started to hold sway. This novel...
Just in Time for the Election, David Platt Continues His Attack On Conservative Politics
In a recent conversation with Jim Davis at The Gospel Coalition, Pastor of McLean Bible Church in the DC area, David Platt offered his assessment of the political tensions within the American Church that warrants a biblical critique. Platt attempted to identify an...
Homosexuality: Orientation Or Abomination? How the LGBTQ Movement Rejects God’s Commands
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22) “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination…” (Leviticus 20:13) When confronted with these Biblical commands, the...
Why Would ERLC Leader Support Paying for Trans Shooter’s Funeral, But Not Victims’ Funerals?
The Southern Baptist Convention's rogue entity known as the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) has a strange reputation of doing the exact opposite of what its constituents support, not to mention, the opposite of what the Bible teaches, on a number of...
Asst Sec of Defense Says Military Should Provide Abortions So Women Can Fight Wars
John Calvin said, “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers”. The prophet Jeremiah also tells us in Jeremiah 23:19, “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.”One out of five military...
ERLC Contributor Says Christians Shouldn’t Support Abortion Restrictions Without Government Handouts
If you needed any other reason to write off the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), look no further than its abortion lobby. I don't say that tongue-in-cheek, either. You may be asking, "abortion lobby"? The answer is, yes....
Popular Worship Artists, Shane & Shane, Have Now Bit the Dust
I'm typically not drawn to contemporary Christian music for the very reasons that I've written about a dozen times. I simply do not view the industry as God-honoring, rather it is a self-promoting, man-pleasing industry designed to launch the careers of artists whose...
Wild, Wild Interaction Between Reformed Pastor and Pro-Abortion Protester at Iowa Capitol
A few days ago, as Iowa passed a six-week abortion ban, the state's Capitol building was amassed with terroristic militant women seeking to do anything they could to stop the state from interfering with their self-imposed "right" to murder their children when they're...
Christ as Our Substitute for God’s Wrath and Our Reward His Work
The Apostle Paul, in his second epistle to the Corinthians, makes an assertion of unparalleled profundity: "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). This single verse in the...
JD Greear Calls Women Pastors, Essential, Secondary, and Tertiary Issue All in One Blog Post
I've been writing quite a bit the last few days about the issue of women pastors in the SBC and how the issue has become one of the most hot-button topics in recent Southern Baptist history. In fact, I can't remember a time during my former Southern Baptist life where...
Paul’s Warning to Christians Against Worshiping the Creation Instead of God
As we gaze upon the sprawling panorama of modern culture, we're struck by a blinding constellation of unchecked desires and self-absorbed pursuits, illuminating the night sky of human morality. This present era, in its rush to drape itself in the gilded cloak of...
JD Greear Compares Passing Women Pastors Amendment to Nancy Pelosi Passing Obamacare
Last month, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) passed an amendment that would bar cooperating churches from having women in the pastorate as is commanded in Scripture. The amendment was passed overwhelmingly by the messengers with more than 2/3 of the vote in...
Thousands of Black Southern Baptist Churches With Women Pastors Play Race Card
You're probably aware by now that the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), during its annual meeting in June, voted to disfellowship several churches with women pastors, including Saddleback Church which was formerly pastored by Rick Warren. During the convention, the...
Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics
The Word of God stands like a mighty mountain, steadfast amidst the shifting sands of human culture and philosophy. Yet, we see attempts at every turn to chip away at this divine edifice, to cast doubt upon its authenticity and to discredit its authority. Skeptics...