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Debunking Leftists Myths About Jesus, Part VI – Jesus Was a Refugee

Debunking Leftists Myths About Jesus, Part VI – Jesus Was a Refugee

In our ongoing series to debunk leftist myths about Jesus, we've already dismantled several: from the mischaracterization of Him as a socialist, a radical environmentalist, to an advocate of modern gender ideologies. These myths emerge from a fundamental error:...

Baptist Chaplain Named ‘Gay Role Model of the Year’

The influx of sexually deviant behavior into all walks of life is nothing new. It–according to Romans 1–is part of God’s wrath he’s bestowed upon rebellious man. God haters who give up the natural order of creation are given over to their debased minds and perverse...

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens

ASHEVILLE – A local church in Asheville, NC is reportedly harboring and enabling illegal aliens. According to Mountain Express, a social justice church by the name of BeLoved which is founded and lead by a woman, Amy Cantrell, has been harboring illegal...

Joyce Meyer Admits She’s Been Preaching A False Gospel, Sort Of

Joyce Meyer, the baritone-throated false prophetess and Word of Faith pastrix hurls heresy from every angle in her bamboozling ministry and worldwide conference appearances. But in a recent video she posted on Instagram, she admits that her...

SBC Prez: God Says We Need to Shut Up About the Reformation

The Reformation was our defining moment as Protestants. It’s who we are, it’s our history. It was the moment the gospel was recovered from the grips of the apostasy of the Roman Catholic religion and made available to the common man. It was the wellspring of good...

Popular Passion Conference Promoting Little-God Theology

It’s well known that the popular Passion conferences every year host some highly questionable at best speakers. Among them have been the prosperity pimp-tress from Hillsong, Christine Caine, Matt Chandler of the Village Church, Hillsong LA pastor Chad Veach, popular...

Baptists Join Pope in Vatican for Ecumenical Hand-Holding

Recently, the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity held a joint meeting with a theme of “Common Christian Witness” in the world. First, I’d like to point out that true Christians, including Baptists, have no “common...

William Lane Craig’s “Limited Special Revelation” – A Rebuttal

William Lane Craig’s “Limited Special Revelation” – A Rebuttal

Recently, Dr. William Lane Craig was invited by the undergraduate Christian Union at Imperial College, London, to give a lunchtime lecture on the “Evidence for God.” One of the students asked a very good question during the Q&A session: “Why did God limit his...

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

Lecrae, Carl Lentz, Fawn Over Pro-Abortion Democrat, Stacey Abrams

PNP News -- Lecrae, Carl Lentz, and Planned Parenthood all have one thing in common. They all endorse Stacey Abrams as a role model for young girls. Abrams lost her race for Governor of George to pro-life Republican, Brian Kemp, no thanks to celebrities who came out...

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

Captive Thoughts: Defense of Presuppositional Apologetics

It’s tempting to argue with the unregenerate about God. They often level attacks on the very foundation of Christian beliefs–the Scriptures–claiming that our Bible depicts an evil, bloodthirsty dictator or that there are many contradicting passages in Scripture. Many...

Reflections on Scotland Mission Trip: The Land of John Knox

Reflections on Scotland Mission Trip: The Land of John Knox

Recently, Reformation Charlotte visited the beautiful country of Scotland along with many others who joined with JeremiahCry Ministries to take the gospel to this once flourishing land. Scotland was once home to one of the most important Protestant reformers in Church...

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