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The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

The Selective Outrage Over Trump’s Faith Advisor is Nauseating

Paula White is trash. There, I said it. She's a false teacher, a peddler of snake oil, a carnival barker draped in pseudo-Christian robes, hawking a gospel of greed with all the theological depth of a used car salesman promising that a lemon will last forever. She is...

Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves

Liberal Feminists Protest Trump Administration by Sterilizing Themselves

Imagine living in a world so consumed by political hysteria that some women are now permanently sterilizing themselves because of an election outcome. In response to Donald Trump’s presidency—or the mere fear of what they believe it represents—certain self-proclaimed...

The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization

The ERLC’s Abortion Talking Points Came From a Democrat Organization

Over the last year or so, we’ve been reporting that the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention, had adopted a new mantra in its abortion rhetoric—“making abortion unthinkable.” Yet, the ERLC, under the guise of defending...

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