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SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

SBC Megachurch Performs and Worships to a Lady Gaga Cover

In 2019, Joel Osteen, one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga’s pride celebration at Apollo Theater on Monday night. The New York Daily News reports, Poehler wasn’t the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From...

John Piper Says Our Love for Jesus is “Erotic to the Core”

John Piper Says Our Love for Jesus is “Erotic to the Core”

You may remember last year when The Dissenter published an article denouncing the deeply erotic and nearly pornographic nature in which a TGC author, Joshua Butler, described Christ's relationship to the Church. While his description was extremely graphic, comparing...

The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

All throughout the History of the Church, the Bride of Christ, has stood a harlot who masquerades as the elect but lures people into the depths of darkness with seductive words and practices. But in modern times, Christianity has witnessed the emergence of a...

Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Jared Moore Throws Hat in the Ring for SBC Presidency

Every year, the Southern Baptist Convention holds an annual meeting where denominational business is conducted, resolutions are voted on, and the new convention leaders are chosen to lead for the next years. And every year, it seems, that dirty tricks are pulled to...