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What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

What is God’s Purpose in Allowing False Teachers to Flourish?

Have you ever slummed through a sermon by a preacher like Steven Furtick or Andy Stanley? Have you ever really just sat and listened to them preach. It's easy to be drawn in to the charismatic mood changing, emotionally-driven style of speech or worship. They quote...

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

“…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: their fear in the storm on the Sea (1); Peter sinking as he...

How to Deal with False Teachers

How to Deal with False Teachers

There are many opinions when it comes to naming the names of those who teach falsely or shining a light on their false doctrine. The pastors and people protesting for more tolerance in the church today often stick to some of these common sentiments regarding...

I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.

I’m Prepared to Die. I Hope You Are Too.

During the current political crisis in America and around the world, it's easy to become frustrated and overwhelmed by what could happen. For many, taking a stand for your faith, your conscience, and your values could spell the end of your career, your income, your...

The Omnipresence of God: Everywhere and All the Time

The Omnipresence of God: Everywhere and All the Time

"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord." —Jeremiah 23:23-24  With the Scriptures, Christians have always...

Jonah and God’s Righteousness Among the Heathen

Jonah and God’s Righteousness Among the Heathen

"Now, the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it - the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of...

The Rebellious Woman and the Destruction of Society

The Rebellious Woman and the Destruction of Society

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not placing the blame for the destruction of our society squarely on woman’s shoulders. After all, God held Adam accountable for Eve’s rebellion, did he not? However, there is a trend in society, and we see it taking place in the Church as...

Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love

Polemics’ Threefold Display Of Love

For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.1 John 3:11 Christians are commanded to love one another. This command permeates through all of life and every facet of ministry. Paul commands the Corinthians church “Let...

If You’re a Democrat, You’re Definitely Not a Christian

If You’re a Democrat, You’re Definitely Not a Christian

I’m getting really sick of this push for “unity” in the Church among people across the entire political spectrum–the argument is really tiring. I get it, the vast majority of people on both sides of the political equation are lost. In fact, many have grasped on to...

Climate Change? Judgments on the Climate for the Works of Men

Climate Change? Judgments on the Climate for the Works of Men

"He turns rivers into a desert, springs of water into thirsty ground, a fruitful land into a salty waste, because of the evil of its inhabitants. [However,] He turns a desert into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water. And there He lets the hungry...

Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church

Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church

The visible church today is undoubtedly full of false gospels. There are, of course, the cults like Mormonism and the Watchtower Society. There is the Roman Catholic Church, which distorts the gospel into a form of works righteousness coupled with idolatry. We have...

Jesse James Was Not a Robin Hood Bandit, But He Was a Baptist Bandit

Jesse James Was Not a Robin Hood Bandit, But He Was a Baptist Bandit

Jesse and Frank James were from a long line of Christian leaders whose great, great grandfather arrived in James Colony in 1619. Their paternal grandfather was a highly respected Baptist pastor from Virginia who fought in the Revolutionary War alongside Light-Horse...

The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy

The Children of Men: Understanding the Human Origins of Heresy

Young evangelicals seem to view the practice of challenging orthodoxy through the lens of updating an outdated policy manual at work. The casual approach to such things is telling and reveals a very disturbing trend in many, if not most, evangelical churches. I believe this trend can be traced to the refusal of the Church to test those who claim to be believers and teachers and leaders who are not.

False Teacher of the Day #46: Karen Wheaton

False Teacher of the Day #46: Karen Wheaton

Karen Wheaton is a popular charismatic Pentecostal singer and musician and also a self-proclaimed Bible teacher and minister. Wheaton is a disciple of the financial fraudster, Jim Bakker, as well as Jimmy Swaggart and Janet Paschal. Karen is the founder of a ministry...

Worship Artist Profiles: Koryn Hawthorne

Worship Artist Profiles: Koryn Hawthorne

Koryn Hawthorne is an up-and-coming star in the contemporary worship artist scene and is popular for one of her hit songs, How Great Thou Art. Background Koryn Hawthorne currently serves as a worship leader at Crossroads Church, an Assemblies of God Pentecostal...

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