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Justice in All Its Parts: Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile – Part 2

Justice in All Its Parts: Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile – Part 2 Before I wrap up my review of Anyabwile’s three posts on justice, I want to go back to where I left off on part 1. I ended that post with the following observations: The lexical data is distorted by...

Pope Offered $1 Million Bribe to Push Animal Rights Agenda

CT – The Pope is being offered $1m to go vegan this Lent as part of a new global campaign launched on the back of Veganuary.  The generous offer is being made by a sister campaign of Veganuary, the campaign that invites people to go vegan for the month of...

Unreformed Evangelicals: Arminianism’s Dangerous Conclusions

Arminian theology takes its name from Jacob Arminius. Arminius lived in the 16th and early 17th centuries. In reaction to sitting under Theodore Beza’s teaching, Arminius formulated a theological system that ran contrary to that of his high-Calvinist teacher and the...

Eric Mason Blames Mass Black Abortions On White People

Eric Mason is the author of the book, Woke Church, and founder and lead pastor of Epiphany Fellowship, a Southern Baptist church in Philadelphia and a staunch proponent of Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become one of the predominant schools...

Justice in All Its Parts: Responding to Thabiti Anyabwile

In a series of posts over at The Front Porch, Thabiti Anyabwile attempts to tackle the issue of justice. For those who do not know, Anyabwile resides in the absolute core of the Social Justice Movement currently taking place in the SBC and PCA as well...

Breaking: Mancow Reports James MacDonald ‘Out’ At Harvest Church

In what has been a long battle between Harvest Church founder, James MacDonald, and ex-church member and blogger, Julie Roys, it seems James MacDonald has lost his battle against free speech and bullying. Last year, MacDonald sued Roys and other members for...

Supreme Court Disappoints Pro-Lifers, Halts Louisiana Abortion Law

CHRISTIAN HEADLINES – The Supreme Court Thursday blocked a Louisiana pro-life law from going into effect, disappointing pro-lifers and putting a damper on hopes that a new conservative block will quickly lead to a reversal of Roe v. Wade. That still might happen, but...

Nancy Pelosi: ‘Preserving God’s Creation a Moral Responsibility’

In a press conference held today, House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi asserted that we have a moral responsibility to “preserve God’s creation.” And it is, in my view a moral responsibility, if you believe, as do I, that this planet is God’s creation and we have a moral...

Vermont Bill: ‘Fetus Shall Not Have Independent Rights’

A draft bill in the Vermont House right now declares that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights … under Vermont law.” The bill, H.57, known as the Freedom of Choice Act which has more than 90...

Watch: Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer Promoting “Unity”

Joyce Meyer is a well-known Word of Faith prosperity preacher who, despite the biblical exhortation for women to remain quiet in the Church, preaches to men. So does Beth Moore. So it should come as no surprise that these two birds would come together with their like...

Open Letter To President Donald Trump: Appeal To Ban All Abortions

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.Psalm 2:12 Dear Mr. President, I thank you greatly for your service to our nation. God ordained you to be a minister of justice and we...

Pro-LGBT Activist Who Thinks She’s A Christian Defends Abortion

Rachel Held Evans is a friend an ally of evangelical lady preacher, Beth Moore, as well as other professing Christians, such as Jen Hatmaker. Held Evans made her debut in 2008when she — a professing Christian — questioned whether or not evangelicals “had it...

Poll: UCLA Liberals Support Concentration Camps for Trump Supporters

NEWSPUNCH — Liberals at UCLA now want to employ actual fascism against Trump supporters, vowing to secretly throw them into concentration camps.  Investigative reporter Kaitlin Bennett recently visited UCLA undercover as Jenna Talia. She asked students to...

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