If you aren’t familiar with Jemar Tisby, he is a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary who recently authored the book, The Color of Compromise. You can read our review of the book here. In a nutshell, the book points out the history of racism in America but then calls for a non-gospel, government-centered approach to reconciliation and reparations.
It should come as no surprise, then, that Tisby’s and the progressive evangelical narrative of “white privilege,” and “white guilt” doesn’t attract biblically-minded Christians, but instead, people from a broad spectrum from progressive professing Christians to outright unregenerate liberal, Democrat Communists.
You can see in a Twitter interaction below the kind of attraction Tisby’s narrative gets. (Note, the foul-mouthed portion has been blurred out.)

Nick Laparra is foul-mouthed secular humanist who has a podcast that regularly hosts other liberal Democrats, like Chelsea Clinton, to promote a godless ideology of socialism, social justice, and Marxism.
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I think it’s worth noting that these are the kinds of people that are drawn to the “racial justice” movement of The Gospel Coalition, the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and the various social justice warriors in the Evangelical church that are pushing this ideology.