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The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution

The Unfaithful Bride: America’s Idolatry and the Coming Persecution

Throughout the Old Testament, God uses sexual terms to describe Israel’s covenant unfaithfulness to Himself in their worship and life. We find this especially in the prophets. In fact the entire book of Hosea is grounded in this theme as the LORD commands Hosea to...

Gay Activists Petitioning Hillsong to Come Clean on its LGBTQ Policy

Hillsong is a multi-site megachurch with dozens of campuses and affiliated churches around the world — arguably the largest Church in the world, if not, in itself a denomination. The megachurch is built upon a foundation of entertainment that draws big names like...

No, Women, You Are Not Called to Preach!

No, Women, You Are Not Called to Preach!

From Beth Moore to Christine Caine, from Joyce Meyer to Priscilla Shirer — women, women everywhere, are standing up and drawing crowds to preach. The phenomenon, which is historically scarce throughout the entirety of Church history, is gaining a lot of traction. I’m...

The Gospel Coalition Now Promoting Charismatic Heresies

The Gospel Coalition is basically a bridge between orthodox Christianity and practically every conceivable theological heresy there is. While on the one hand, TGC is mostly Calvinists — at least in name — the practical implications that come from much of the drivel...

United Methodists Seeking to Affirm LGBTQ Clergy Tomorrow

CT — One of the world’s largest Christian denominations faces potential fracture as United Methodist leaders gather to finally decide how to navigate deep divisions over gay marriage, ordination, and ministry. The United Methodist Church (UMC) meets Saturday through...

Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Bethel Music Steeped in Pagan Idolatry

There was something peculiar about the old hymns that churches would embrace and sing together on Sunday mornings. For the most part, they were rich in doctrine — they actually communicated something to the congregation. They were exegetical, they told us who God is...

Modern Worship Steeped in Pagan Idolatry, Eastern Mysticism

There was something peculiar about the old hymns that churches would embrace and sing together on Sunday mornings. For the most part, they were rich in doctrine — they actually communicated something to the congregation. They were exegetical, they told us who God is...

JD Greear Calls Out Ed Young And Other Megachurch Pastors

DALLAS NEWS — Earlier this month, we read with a mix of sadness  and anger The Houston Chronicle investigation of hundreds of sexual abusers in Southern Baptist churches. We were somewhat relieved then to hear that church leaders, including president...

United Methodists Confront Possible Split Over LGBT Issues

NEW YORK (AP) – The United Methodist Church’s top legislative assembly convenes Sunday for a high-stakes, three-day meeting likely to determine whether America’s second-largest Protestant denomination will fracture due to divisions over same-sex marriage and the...

Voddie Baucham Warns of Emotionalism and Anti-Intellectualism

Voddie Baucham Warns of Emotionalism and Anti-Intellectualism

In this video, Voddie Baucham warns about the trends of emotionalism, mysticism, and anti-intellectualism. You can also read my article about embracing an emotionalistic charismatic anti-intellectual worship here.

Pope Says Critics of Catholic Church are ‘Friends of the Devil’

THE GUARDIAN — Pope Francis said on Wednesday that those who constantly criticize the Catholic church are “friends of the devil”. Speaking to pilgrims from southern Italy, the pontiff said that defects of the church needed to be denounced so they could be...

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