Okay, so you walk into the typical church down the street on a Sunday morning, your heart full of anticipation to worship God, serve fellow believers, and be spiritually nourished. But instead, you find yourself subjected to a diluted sermon that is more focused on...
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Don’t Let the Idolatry of the World Consume You, Stand Strong Against It With Patience and Conviction
"All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame. Who fashions a god or casts an idol that is profitable for nothing? Behold, all his companions shall be put to shame,...
Lay The Weight Of Your Sin On Christ
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.Matthew 11:28-30 After praising...
Headed for Destruction: The Southern Baptist Convention
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has been long heralded as one of the last standing conservative denominations in the US. Beginning in 1979, through what was known as the “conservative resurgence” (also dubbed the Fundamentalist Takeover) of the SBC, headed up by...
Roman Catholics March in Support of LGBTQ Inclusion
Besides the obvious fact that the Roman Catholic institution is not a Christian institution to begin with, historically, at least in a public front, it has at least upheld basic principles of morality such as the heinousness of abortion and the detrimental effects of...
The Gay Christian Ministry Changing the Face of the Evangelical Church
Jesus ate with homosexuals, so we should be accepting of them. That is the argument of the progressive gay militant propaganda machine that historically the Church found so absurd that it received little attention inside the ranks of orthodoxy. What the Church has...
Anglican Church Instructs Clergy to Address Transgender by Their Chosen Name and Pronoun
The Church of England issued today a Pastoral Guidance document that instructs Anglican clergy to unconditionally welcome and affirm transgender people into the faith while addressing them by their chosen names and pronouns as opposed to their birth names....
The Crisis of Missions: An Exclusive Interview With Documentary Filmmaker
If you haven't already heard, there is a new documentary film on the horizon that details, as the filmmaker, Dave Griffin puts it, the crisis of missions. Griffin says that when we survey the state of evangelical churches in the west and global missions as a whole it...
False Teacher of the Day #41: Thabiti Anyabwile
Heresy, or heretic, are not words that I generally drop lightly these days. I used to, but one thing I've learned over the years is to approach heresy -- especially within orthodox ranks -- with a tremendous amount of precision and care. After several years of...
What is the Fascination With Tim Keller?
There was a time when the old, the tried and true, were revered and honored as they've withstood the test of time. This is particularly true in the historic Christian Church. Theologians would always stand on the foundations of the preceding generations of tested...
Reparations, Grace, and Forgiveness
This episode deals with the irreconcilable differences between the modern concept of African American slavery reparations and the Christian doctrines of divine grace and forgiveness.
Baptist Church on Wake Forest Campus in NC to Ordain Transgender Woman
BNG -- A Baptist church that meets on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, plans to ordain a transgender woman to the gospel ministry this Sunday. Erica Saunders, a 2019 master-of-divinity candidate at the Wake Forest University...
How Total Depravity Affects Evangelism
I have a confession to make, I hate kale. It is not that I simply do not prefer to eat it. It is not simply just another green thing I do not care to eat. No, I hate that evil seaweed. It is gross to my taste. The only way kale enters my body is through my wife hiding...
Preaching The Word Of God Unapologetically
Preaching in the open air can be a frightening experience. It is frightening to stand out in front of others looking like a psycho to those walking along. People look at you with all sort of disdainful looks. Girls pass by laughing. Young men screech out inappropriate...
Breaking: Reports Al Mohler Rescinds Signature From Manhattan Declaration
Albert Mohler The Manhattan Declaration was a controversial ecumenical statement signed by Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestants in an effort to join together in the defense of traditional marriage while opposing the influx of homosexuality in the Church and...
Beth Moore and Gay Activist Preston Sprinkle Defend Francis Chan
What do you get when you cross the Cows of Bashan with LifeWay's incessant need for cash? Beth Moore. Beth Moore has poured out more spiritual poison into more Southern Baptist women than any other false teacher in the history of modern Evangelicalism. And not only is...
Two Dangerous Forms of Legalism
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 If you are a serious Christian who is pursuing holiness with all your heart you have probably been called a legalist...
The False “Gospel” that Disguises Clash of Civilizations as Racial Harmony
There is a deep-rooted heresy that is gaining momentum in the Evangelical church today. The heresy is born out of Black Liberation Theology -- a theology popularized by James Cone that encourages blacks to use their religion to seek "liberation" from various forms...
Southern Baptists Promoting Ministry That Believes It’s Natural For a Man to Desire to “Become One” With Another Man
The move toward homosexual inclusion in conservative churches has taken an unprecedented turn in the last few years -- one that the historic orthodox Church has never seen. Homosexuality was the one sin God found so egregious that it caused Him to wipe two entire...
SBC Successfully Convincing Evangelicals to Embrace LGBT Special Rights
In a recent sermon entitled, How the Fall Affects Us All, SBC President and pastor of the Summit Church in Raleigh, NC, J.D. Greear told his church that Christians must stand up for LGBT+ rights. The truth is that the sermon title is misleading. The sermon was...
Robert E. Lee’s Nephew Resigns From Pastorate After Promoting Black Lives Matter
BBC -- A descendant of Confederate general Robert E Lee has resigned from his church after his criticism of his infamous relative sparked an outcry. Reverend Robert Lee IV, the general's distant nephew, appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards last week to call racism...
I Agree With James White, Black Hebrew Israelites More Racist Than KKK
A controversy brewed around a year ago when Dr. James White made a comment on his podcast, The Dividing Line, where he stated something along the lines of "the Black Hebrew Israelites make the KKK look like amateurs." Basically, the Black Hebrew Israelites are more...