The sexual revolution is squarely in the hands of the LGBTQ movement and those that support it. And the fact that a large media company like Netflix can produce and broadcast a show that glorifies the sexualization of children and get away with it speaks volumes about...
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Tolerance, Passivity, Complacency: What is the Kindness of God that Leads to Repentance?
In many modern churches, the true essence of divine grace and mercy has been distorted and diluted, resulting in a skewed understanding of the transformative power of God's love. With their plush pews, rainbow-splattered banners, and messages of unconditional...
Church Crucifies Disney Character, Belle, From Beauty and the Beast For Easter Performance
The great Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon once predicted that “a time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” He was correct, and that time is now. In recent years, there has been an insidious but...
Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what he is teaching in this clip? God’s Word has a severe warning for those...
Russell Moore Claimed “Jesus Has AIDS” in Article at The Gospel Coalition
Before his departure, Russell Moore was arguably the most polarizing figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, notorious for his extreme leftist activism and controversial stances on numerous issues. From his soft support of homosexuality to his advocacy for open...
Walmart to Close Four Chicago Stores Amid Ongoing Losses from Crime and Theft
I don’t typically write about political or corporate issues unless they somehow relate to the Church. So I am writing about this because I believe that it affects Christians and is demonstrative of the judgment of God on a nation that has abandoned a Christian...
The Bible is Not a Creation of the Church, but the Eternal, Literal, Inerrant Word of God
In the beginning was the Word, and it has reverberated through the epochs, shepherding the Church and standing as an everlasting bulwark against the encroachment of heresies, empty ideologies, and vain philosophies that seek to defy the knowledge of the God. The Holy...
Evolution: A Blind Man Looking for a Black Cat in a Dark Basement–That Isn’t There
No one denies, disagrees, disputes, or debates that we are here; but how did we get here and what is the origin of the universe? Those questions have been asked by mankind since the beginning of time. I will provide the answer today! There are only four possibilities...
Andy Stanley Denies the Creation Account in Genesis, Apparently He Knows Better Than God
Syncretism often occurs when two or more cultures or religions come into contact, leading to the blending of their spiritual beliefs, rituals, and symbols. This can result in a unique fusion of religious ideas and practices. There are two major religions in the world...
Five Observations of Modern Church Liberal Drift and Apostasy
Believers in Christ's atonement are now in declared religious union with those who make light of it; believers in Holy Scripture are in confederacy with those who deny plenary inspiration; those who hold evangelical doctrine are in open alliance with those who call...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ and Its Indispensable Role in Our Faith
Throughout the annals of history, no religious figure has endured the relentless scrutiny and targeted attacks quite like Jesus Christ. As the central figure of Christianity, Jesus has faced unyielding opposition from various quarters, both in ancient times and in our...
Tennessee State Rep Says Jesus Was Lynched for Supporting the LGBT Community on Good Friday
There was a man named Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who was born of the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem, as it is written: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" (Isaiah 9:6). He was called Emmanuel, which means "God with us" (Matthew 1:23), and...
Woman Crucified on Stage During Easter Morning Service at Mike Todd’s Transformation Church
The contemporary new-wave feminist movement within Christianity is a valiant effort to promote gender equality and challenge the traditional gender roles that have persisted in the Church. This movement stands on the shoulders of giants, building on the legacy of...
SBC Megachurch Pastor Praises Laundry List of Rank Heretics During Easter Sunday Sermon
David Hughes, lead pastor of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has transformed his congregation into a theatrical spectacle that resembles a comedic performance more than a house of worship. In one Instagram post, Hughes stated “If there’s one thing we can...
What’s So Good About Good Friday?
Good Friday, a most sacred day, commemorated by Christians throughout the world, preceding the joyous celebration of Resurrection Sunday—unfortunately, oft referred to as Easter Sunday. This celebrated day marks the moment when Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14),...
June 2024: Part II “Pride,” Really?
by Jim Fennell In Part I we saw that the coming month of June 2024 will once again give homosexuals a “green light” to push their immoral agenda upon America in social media and TV, with the blessings of our federal government, as well as the support of many state...
Sick “Queer Animals” Propaganda From NBC Seeks to “Prove” Homosexuality is Natural
When I saw this, I literally couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I mean, homosexuals have always argued that homosexuality is normal and natural because, well, there are animals that do it. But I always thought the argument was so dumb that no serious person would...
A Popular Worship Artist Your Church Probably Uses for Worship Exposes Herself in Risque Photo Online
Koryn Hawthorne is an up-and-coming star in the contemporary worship scene, renowned for her hit song "How Great Thou Art." Her music is becoming increasingly popular in Evangelical worship services across the nation. However, a closer look at her background and...
Crocodile Tears? Mica Miller’s Pastor-Husband Claims He Tried to Raise Her From the Dead After Alleged Suicide
If you've been following the unfolding scandal surrounding the alleged suicide of Mica Miller, the wife of South Carolina pastor, John-Paul Miller, then you may be aware of some of the speculation surrounding her tragic death. Although authorities have ruled her death...
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