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Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement

Snares of the Modern Church – Part VIII: Cultural Appeasement

In Part VII of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we delved into the pitfalls of "Cultural Relevance," where the church, in its quest to be relatable, risks compromising core beliefs. Now, in Part VIII, we navigate the treacherous waters of "Cultural...

Wicked America in Scripture

Wicked America in Scripture

"Your prophets have seen for you false and deceptive visions; they have not exposed your iniquity to restore your fortunes, but have seen for you oracles that are false and misleading." - Lamentations 2:14  As I read this verse again recently, I was struck...

Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner

Sorry Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner

In the modern cathedrals of pop-Christianity, where the beats of "worship music" resonate just a tad louder than doctrinal integrity, a new portrait of Jesus has been painted—one that bears less resemblance to the God revealed to us in Scripture and more to a...


Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians

Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians

In the aftermath of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it may seem prudent to seek common ground with our enemies. It may be easy to fall prey to the superficial and hollow calls to “unity” from political leaders—whether it be Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi,...

So God Spared Trump’s Life, Will He Repent and Believe the Gospel?

So God Spared Trump’s Life, Will He Repent and Believe the Gospel?

Unless you live under a rock, you're aware by now of the incredible assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. I couldn't believe my eyes when the news broke that a gunman had climbed on top of a nearby roof and...

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Self-Esteem

Responding to the Modern Idols of the World: Self-Esteem

Continuing our series on confronting modern idols, today I'm going to talk about the idol of self-esteem. Seemingly subtle, it towers above all else. The focus on "me, myself, and I," it's a mantra instilled in us even in the very curriculum of elementary school. It's...


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