Joe Salant is a figure who has gained notoriety as the "Apologetics Rapper," a title he earned by fusing evangelical teachings with the art of rap. Salant has leveraged his platform to advocate for Christianity by integrating conservative religious views into...
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The Pervasive Cancer of “White Guilt” In the Evangelical Church
"White guilt," you've heard of it. You've read it in the headlines. And you may know people who suffer from it. But what is it? Is it a mental disorder? Is it some other kind of ailment? Or is it sin? The term "white guilt" is far from innocuous—it is a calculated...
Donald Trump Advocates for Abortion, Says He Will Bring Peace By Compromising
During Donald his first round as president, Donald Trump surprised many of us by taking stronger than expected conservative stances on many issues, including abortion. During his presidency, he selected Supreme Court justices that ultimately overturned Roe v. Wade,...
Snares of the Modern Church – Part XIV: Part Spiritual Complacency, When Comfort Trumps Conviction
In Part XIV of our series on the Snares of the Modern Church, we're pulling the curtains back on perhaps the most dangerous trap of all: spiritual complacency. This deceptive entrapment is particularly sinister because it's not always glaringly obvious—it creeps in...
During “Worship Service,” SBC Megachurch Raves to LGBTQ Activist’s Song
David Hughes, the president and CEO of C̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ Goat Farm by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, has successfully turned the organization into a highly profitable carnival act. Rather than providing spiritual sustenance through the gospel, Hughes is preoccupied...
Four Years After His Wife Passes From Cancer, Tony Evans Announces Engagement
In an announcement on Sunday, September 10, 2023, Dr. Tony Evans, founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, and a highly influential figure in American Evangelicalism, shared news of his engagement. Dr. Evans told his congregation, "God...
Pastor Says Kids With Autism Are Demon-Possessed
Pastor Rick Morrow of Beulah Church in Richland, MO, in a recently uncovered video clip, says that physical infirmities like autism are caused by demonic influences and can be remedied by casting the demon out. "Well, my God doesn't make junk," he claims, presenting a...
Unspoken Compromise: The Inconvenient Truth About the Modern Pro-Life Movement
In the contemporary American pro-life movement, there's an elephant in the room that's too significant to ignore yet astonishingly remains largely unaddressed. The urgent question beckoning from the shadows is this: Does the pro-life movement genuinely resonate with...
State Baptist Leaders Challenge NAMB’s Legal Tactics as Undermining Baptist Autonomy
A coalition of regional Baptist Executive Directors across several states has sent a strongly-worded petition to the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). The letter raises serious concerns about the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and its...
ERLC Elects Man Who Calls Trump Voters “Whores” to Serve as Chairman of the Board
Nashville, TN - September 13, 2023 — In a unanimous but unsurprising decision that marks a significant turning point for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Kevin Smith, former vice chair of the board, has now been elected as the new chairperson of the Ethics and...
How the Contemporary Church Has Eroded and Perverted True Worship of the Living God
When we take a look at biblical history, we find a pattern of worship that couldn't be more distant from what we see in most modern churches today. Ancient Israel, a people set apart by God, given was meticulous laws and guidelines on how to worship the Creator of...
Greg Locke Tapes Bible to a Baseball Bat and Smashes Barbie Dreamhouse During Sermon Illustration
Greg Locke is a wild, wild dude. I've watched him over the years move from a relatively sane, conservative low-key pastor to something that is completely off the rails over a period of about ten years. Prior to his divorce, Locke was a fairly conservative, but a...
Veggie Tales Creator Releases Series for Woke Apostate Celebrities To Explain Why They’re “Still Christians”
When I first saw the trailer to this upcoming series, I thought it was a parody. I thought it was going to be some kind of satirical sitcom making fun of “ex-vangelicals” who have deconstructed into complete apostasy. The fact of the matter, though, is that this is...
SBC Picks Pastor Who Brags About Women Pastors in His Church for Lady-Pastor Study Committee
In 2023, during the annual meeting, several churches were disfellowshipped from the Southern Baptist Convention for openly defying the denomination’s statement of faith, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM2K). Among these churches was the infamous Saddleback...
The Spirit of the Age: How Secularism Undermines the Church’s Faithfulness to Christ
From the time of the early apostles until now, the church of Jesus Christ has always faced the powerful threat of worldliness, of assimilating into the culture around it and compromising on the pristine and inviolable truths it has been entrusted with. One of the most...
Thoughts on the Idolatry of American Politics
I’ve been watching the political landscape for decades and watching the catastrophic slide away from biblical conservatism ramp up even more in recent years. This writing has been on the wall for a while.For those who have ears to hear, I don't know how God could make...
Can Christians Still Support the Republican Party After Caving on Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage?
Click here to read this article ad-free.The abortion debate in America has been a defining issue for decades, drawing a clearly defined line between those who value life and those who, quite frankly, promote death. From the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, which...
Latest ‘He Gets Us’ Campaign Sees ‘They/Thems’ as Victims of Christian Bigotry
The "He Gets Us" campaign, a $100 million public relations initiative aimed at rebranding Jesus, has once again proven its penchant for theological folly. This latest installment features an ad proclaiming, "The one who identifies as they/them is your neighbor." As...
Evangelical “Political Savior,” JD Vance Argues Like a Leftist in Support of the Abortion Pill
From Rod Dreher to Eric Metaxas, Tony Perkins, and Charlie Kirk, J.D. Vance has amassed quite the following among those who see him as the new face of "religious populism." It's an interesting accolade for someone whose claim to fame is being a champion of...
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