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Pastor Accused of Stealing Almost $35,000 From Congregation

Donald Lee Reynolds GRAND FORKS HERALD — A former pastor faces 10 years in prison after being accused of stealing almost $35,000 from his parish in northeast North Dakota over the past 14 years. Donald Lee Reynolds, an Edmore resident who was born in 1959, is...

Voddie Baucham: ‘Society has Feminized the Office of Pastor’

Voddie Baucham talks about the feminization of the Office of Pastor in the Church. Voddie Baucham Jr. (DMin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is dean of the seminary at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. The author of a number of books,...

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens

North Carolina Churches Harboring Illegal Aliens

ASHEVILLE – A local church in Asheville, NC is reportedly harboring and enabling illegal aliens. According to Mountain Express, a social justice church by the name of BeLoved which is founded and lead by a woman, Amy Cantrell, has been harboring illegal...

Baptists Sit Under Pope to Be Lectured on Pursuing Common Ground

In a press release last week it was reported that Steve Harmon, a representative of the apostate Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and theology professor at Garder-Webb University visited Rome to advance “common witness” ideology. According to the report, Harmon...

Alex McFarland Comes Out Against Evangelical Social Justice Movement

ONE NEWS NOW – Liberal social justice politics is overwhelming the Millennial culture – even within the Church. That’s the sad conclusion of a noted Christian lecturer and apologist. For more than 70 years, the Urbana student conference – hosted by InterVarsity...

Gay Dating App Halted as AIDS Spreads Among Users

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 2and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing...



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