In an era where spiritual compromise and doctrinal erosion are becoming increasingly prevalent, it has become extremely important for young Christians to practice discernment, particularly when it comes to conferences and worship events outside the local church. Among...
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Mike Johnson Says God Chose Him to be a “Moses” Leading America Through a “Red Sea Moment”
I've wanted to remain positive about the newly-elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Johnson has been hailed as a Bible-believing Christian who holds to biblically based policy positions and will help steer the nation back to a more traditional biblical ethic on...
Unborn Children Held Hostage by Liberty U Speaker Pushing Social Justice
Read and comment on this article on our ad-free member-only website. In a recent convocation at Liberty University, Ameen Hudson, a hip-hop artist and podcaster, attempted to make what seems to undiscerning Christians like a noble case for a broader interpretation of...
Op-Ed: California’s New Gender-Neutral Toy Section Law Slated to Take Effect January 1
In the ever-evolving melange of the American social and political landscape, California governor, Gavin Newsom's controversial two-year-old legislative move is about to hit the fan. This law, Assembly Bill No. 1084, may stand as one of the most profound markers of...
Southern Baptist Pastor Says Being a Homosexual Is Not Sinful and That Shouldn’t Even Be Controversial
Yesterday, we reported that Joel Rainey, a prominent and outspoken Southern Baptist pastor argued on social media that Obergefell, the Supreme Court decision that falsely found that same-sex "marriage" was protected by the Constitution, should not be overturned and...
Southern Baptist Pastor Comes Out Against Overturning Unconstitutional “Gay Marriage” Ruling
Obergefell v. Hodges, a landmark 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision, mandated the legal recognition of same-sex marriage nationwide, overturning traditional marriage definitions rooted in historic, biblical principles. This ruling, a direct challenge to God and His...
Sorry Catholics, Mary Has No Role in Salvation, and Believing Otherwise is Spiritual Suicide
Throughout the entirety of Christian history, few figures have been as venerated and as controversial as Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her ascension to a position of near-divine stature within Roman Catholicism is a story steeped in centuries of tradition, theological...
The Entire Surrogacy and IVF Industry Is an Affront to God’s Design for the Family
You've probably seen a lot of images floating around on social media in the last several days depicting homosexual fornicators with a child they received using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and a "surrogate" mother to carry the child. If you've seen these images and it...
You Don’t Want to Miss This: Queer Pastor Explains the Meaning of God’s Promises Through the Rainbow
Post-flood, the world lay in ruins, a stark consequence of man's rampant sinfulness. It was then that God unfurled the rainbow across the heavens, not merely as a spectral phenomenon but as a covenant of monumental significance (Genesis 9:13-17). It was a divine...
Blaspheming Homosexual Rap Artist Endorsed by Lecrae Wants to Start Making Christian Music
Making the news cycle in 2021, you may remember some of the hype surrounding hip-hop artist, Lil Nas' and his conversion to Satanism. Lil Nas not only came out as a flaming homosexual, but also as one who worships the devil as he depicted himself in disgusting sex...
Group of Pastors Insert Trump Into Peter’s Confession, Praying “The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against Him”
In the passage of Peter's Confession, found in Matthew 16:13-20, in response to Jesus' question "who do you say that I am," Peter acknowledges Jesus to be the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus responds affirmatively, proclaiming that upon this rock—this...
Bethel Pastor is the Board President of Venue Holding a Drag Queen Christmas Event
Last December, according to a report at Ministry Watch, “Bethel members Tenessa Audette, 45, a first-time candidate, and Jack Munns, 64, who first ran two years ago, will now join Bethel elder Julie Winter on the 5-member council” in Redding, California,...
Little White Lie: Charlatan, Todd White, Says He Hasn’t Lied in 18 Years
Todd White is a charlatan of the highest order, masquerading as a preacher and pastor. His supposed “healings” are nothing more than cheap parlor tricks, and his association with known false prophets and heretics should be a red flag to anyone who encounters him. But...
Remembering These Heretics Who Met Their End and Now Fully Understand the Wrath of God
Scripture is unambiguous in its condemnation of false teaching. The Apostle Peter equates it with heresy and apostasy, and warns of its destructive consequences, "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will...
Victimhood, Coercion, Even Threats of Death are Not Valid Excuses to Commit Sin Before a Holy God
Jesus warned that following him would not be easy and that because of Him, we would be hated by the world. At the heart of the Christian faith lies a call to commitment and sacrifice, a demand for allegiance that transcends the earthly realm and grounds itself in the...
Missouri to Place “Right to Abortion at Any Time of a Pregnancy” on Ballot for Constitutional Amendment
Missouri's Amendment 3—the latest brainchild of the so-called "champions of freedom," who seem to have mistaken a graveyard for the land of the free and the home of the brave. Here we go again, with the same old song and dance, where "reproductive rights" apparently...
Evangelical “White Guilt” Apostle, Latasha Morrison, Canonizes Kamala Harris During “Evangelicals for Harris” Call
Evangelicalism’s “White Guilt” apostle, Latasha Morrison—what can be said that isn’t already obvious to anyone paying attention? She’s the founder of "Be the Bridge," a so-called Christian organization that is primarily concerned with cultivating white guilt within...
“Evangelicals for Harris” Wants Us To Believe Kamala is a “Faithful and Committed Christian”
Imagine, if you will, a group of people so detached from reality that they’ve decided Kamala Harris—a politician whose life and career is a veritable checklist of anti-Christian sentiment and policies—is actually a "faithful and committed Christian." Enter...
Abortion Makes Men “More Free” Claims US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg
The left's favorite queer political escort, Pete Buttigieg, is giving standing ovations to Kamala Harris for making "freedom" the centerpiece of her campaign. In a video clip that oozes with the same kind of insincere charm you'd expect from a seasoned hustler,...
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